Chapter 26

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Ella PoV
I was sitting on the couch listening to Jason and his mum shouting. I start to get even more freaked out. Soon after I hear the door slam and shoot up, checking to see who walks downstairs.

It was Jason's mum, her eyes were puffy and red and she sniffled a lot.
"I-I'm s-sorry dear....I-I...(sigh) I think it's best you and Jason go and live together and raise your child with him, don't worry, you'll be staying in our apartments...I need some time to think..." She shakes her head and walks away, I stand there in...shock, my mouth hanging open and tears threatening to spill. I try and walk after her but my legs stop moving.
I run to my room, holding my stomach tightly as I feel sick.
I stop when I see Jason in my way,
He does nothing but pushes past me,
"Pack your shit, we're leaving!" He walks away.
"I'm in no mood to wait for your crap!"
I gulp harshly without looking back, I run into my room and close the door behind me, breathing slowly while resting my forehead on the door. I grip my stomach as I feel it burning up inside.
I stuff my jumper and jeans into my bag, good thing I didn't unpack. I wipe my eyes and feel so confused. It's better I just go take my chance on the streets.
Just then I jump as the door bursts open, i wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my jumper.
"Hurry up! We're leaving now...I'm...waiting outside," he has a simple shirt on and a bag with a suitcase in his hand.
I just nod and follow him. My legs feeling heavy to drag all of a sudden.

I look around to see if his mum is around as I stand by the door and watch him angrily throw his crap into the boot.
I frown and look back each time as he gets inpatient,
"Ella..." I see her descend from the stairs, she walks up to me slowly and smiles,
"I want you to know I'm glad your the mother of my first grandchild, but please forgive me, I want Jason to become closer to you and the other way around. I know you can both become closer, have faith, if not, for your baby? Anyway, take care of yourself and my grandson or granddaughter and come back when often during your weeks of pregnancy, my doors always open to you," she kisses my forehead and I hug her tightly,
"See you soon darling, "
I swallow my tears back but it still falls,
"Thank you Mrs Williams," she looks at me with sad eyes before closing the door behind me. I see Jason in the car, texting on his phone.
I let myself linger in the cold for a while before going inside.
"Take your fucking time why don't you," he mutters and starts to back out the driveway. I guess he should be angry right now, his mum threw him out.
I turn towards my window, ignoring him and silently cry to myself, dear god? Will I still even be able to live with him?

-Time skip-
Their apartment is like one of those penthouses, massive and very modern decor. He throws his keys on the side and looks around,
"Been a while," he whispers and walks into one room, he comes back after dumping his stuff.
"You can stay in that room, or wherever I don't give a fuck, sleep outside for all I care," he whispered the last part. He closes the door to his room and leaves me standing in the middle. As you walk in the first thing you see is the large wall window, gazing upon the city skyline, you have the couches, TV and fireplace then a walk in kitchen, there are four doors, two are bedrooms and the others, one is a bathroom and the other is a guest room.
I walk into one bedroom, it had a double bed and all necessary furniture to keep your belongings in, there was a small ensuite and a vanity table but everything, all the belongings were empty. There were no clothes in the drawers and not much in the bathroom, the vanity table was empty too, but I noticed a small silver hand mirror placed on the cream stool.
I threw my bag down and messed my hair up from its up do. I sit on the cotton sheets and look towards the door. Will I even get Jason to like me? No. Will he even acknowledge me? Course not.
I soon fall into a deep sleep, my body needed it, I had a pounding headache and my stomach churned uncontrollably, making me feel even worse. I let sleep overtake me.

Halfway during the night I'm woken up by a horrible pain in my stomach, sickness. It's not morning though. I run to the bathroom and throw up, I stand up shakily and clean my mouth up. I lean against the porcelain sink and breath deeply, washing my face with cold water. Trying to calm down the shakes in my body.
I crawl back to the warmth of my bed, I'll have to get used to this I guess.

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