Leemon x Leemon

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The leemon went to the gross-ary store to get some paper for thy bottom,when a menz  sayd heelo leemon dus u needz  tummy to go in ur leemon? He said becus he wus  droonk and the leemon said nuh bruh I'm gud but do yoo  now were the paper for thy bottoms are? Wen suddnli a yellow lite apeerd and said Yoo are now thy leemon cupple and the manz sayd okai fam  murry mee  leemon tha  manz sayd as the yallow lite sayd okay thy manz u is nuw a leemon and the manz becam  a leemon and dey said we are murried now they said as they kissed and had 82 with the square root of lemons kids and they luvd echova vewy much


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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