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By: Sadie Baumgardner.

Sitting on the couch

On a cold, winter day and watch the

Fire as flames fly upward. Dew drops turn into little

Crystals that sparkle as the rising sun breaks in.

Feeling the warmth of the fire

Upon your skin and sipping a cup of hot chocolate

As you gaze upon the flames, making your eyes

Glimmer with beauty. White lily flowers float down, as they

Dance in the wind, as glistening snow becomes a blanket for

Grass. Little beautiful birds sing and

Make music to your ears, as they all fly around, with their blue feathers

And golden beaks. Winter is a beautiful

Season to admire, because winter

Makes everything seem like our world is fragile like glimmering glass.

Children fooling around in the snow, as they make

Snow angels and giggle. All a happy moment little kids have to spend.

Another day under the radiant sun and

Chilly winds. Cheeks turning rosy red and teeth go about chattering.

Beauty comes in so many ways

That we don't see. Winter may seem cold and makes you stuffed, but winter

Makes everything sparkle and crystal clear.

ADMIRE the beauty of winter and it will admire YOU.


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