Chapter 1

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Erahkat was staring blankly at her parents's bodies as though her glare alone could make them rise up from the ground. She had no idea how it happened but she knew she had to hide the bodies before someone finds out. But at that moment she had to just be with them one last time and as she knelt down next to her mom and laid her head on her stomach, she could only choke out non-sensical sobs.
         Her sorrow for their deaths is only matched with the hatred she had for herself. She laments on why she had to practice her magic, why couldn't she just ignore it like her parents wanted her to? But she just couldn't ignore the allure of being powerful. Of being her own person for once instead of being hidden away from the world, helpless. Her dad's lifeless eyes seem to steal her soul from her body. She wipes the tears and drags the bodies to the basement and locks the door. This is all to prevent her from leaving to a foster home and possibly to keep her parents if not mentally then physically with her.
       The next day at school she steels her nerves and yells bye to her parents. She paints on a happy face all throughout the day and the next. And vows to never use her powers again.

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