Changes for the Better

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Emily's POV

        I woke up to my alarm clock screaming at me to signify it was time to get up. I look at the clock through blurry eyes, still not adjusted to the light. It was 5:30 in the morning. I groan in displeasure as my brain told me to go back to sleep but then it occurred to me, today I was moving from my home town in Ontario all the way to Los Angeles. "Shit!" I say before beginning to panic. I had all of my things packed up but I had to get ready for my flight. I quickly hop out bed and run to the bathroom, closing the door behind me and undressing before jumping in. The water was just beginning to get hot. I waited for it to warm up before letting it run down my body and into my hair. I finish washing my body and hair before getting out again and putting my hair up in a towel before going to my room. I walk down the hallway and back into my room, throwing on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a plain hunter green shirt. I finish getting dressed and look at the clock. It reads 6:00. •not too bad• I think to myself before walking over to my makeup table to put on my face. Once finished, the clock read 6:30. I do a once over of the house making sure I haven't left anything behind. Finally at 7:00, it's time to leave. I grab my bags and push them in the taxi drivers trunk before hopping into the back seat. The moving guys came back a couple of days ago to grab all my furniture. They'd be coming by later today to grab the contents that were left in my room like my bed, dresser and makeup table. Time to finally start a new journey.

    I arrived at the airport a half an hour later at 7:45. My flight left in about an hour and a half. I checked in all my bags and got my boarding pass before heading trough security and into the waiting room outside of my quarter. Soon, a lady announced that everyone going on the flight straight from Ontario to Los Angeles to begin boarding. I checked my boarding pass in and the flight attendant wished me a good flight before I walked out into the plane and to my seat. "Row Y seat 27" I murmured to myself under my breath. I quickly find my place on the plane and sit down. A middle aged man sits next to me in the aisle seat, as I had the one next to the window. "Hello." I say to him politely with a small smile. He had black hair with red on the top and a friendly face. He looked to be half Korean. •Very handsome• I thought to myself, quickly knocking it out of my mind. He looked over to me. "Hello, I'm Mark." he said placing his hand out for me to shake it. I take his hand shaking it slightly. His hands were so much bigger than mine, but that's not much of an accomplishment as I only reached 5'3 in height. I was a very tiny girl. "Pleasure to meet you mark.
I'm Emily." The conversation didn't go too far besides that until about half way through the flight. "Hey, Emily?" Mark said to me. It caught me quite off guard to be honest. "Yes?" I replied. "Why're you going to Los Angeles?" he asked in a casual tone, like he talked to millions of strangers everyday. "I'm moving there." I said nervously as the realization came back to me that I was moving from my home town. "I live there too. Don't worry it's not as scary as it seems. I felt the same when I moved there." he said with a chuckle, sensing my nervousness. I had a lot of anxiety and struggled with depression for a while after my mother passed and my father became an alcoholic. That's why I moved out in the first place and now I'm moving again, but to an even scarier place. "Hopefully not." I said with a small laugh to try and lighten the mood. L.A. would soon be my home. No going back now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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