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Ahh, the beach. Wiggling your toes in the sand, the sun's heat around you, everything is peaceful. That's what I thought, at least. Until a seagull landed on my umbrella and starting making a racket. My new smartphone that I bought for $349 buzzed, signaling a new text. I would check the message later. I stood up, and banged the bottom of the umbrella. The gull jumped, squawked, and flew down to the sand, next to me. I told it to go away, but it just kept squawking. Then, after almost five minutes, the gull spread it's wings. Hasta la vista, bird. All of a sudden, it picked up my smartphone, and flew away. I cursed at the bird loudly, and then realized that families were here. I pulled out my emergency old flip phone, which had only 3 minutes left on the plan, and quickly dialed my smartphone's number. It rang, and rang, and rang, until someone picked up. They said, "Welcome to FM 103.9! You are our 50th caller!" Either I had dialed the wrong number, or the gull was a radio DJ. "Just answer this question, and we will give you this new myPhone 5!" A MyPhone 5? That was what my stolen smartphone was! "Who was the former CEO of Apple, who died of cancer?" I yelled into the phone, "STEVE JOBS!" I, of course, won the MyPhone. He told me that I would get the phone by airmail soon. Hmm, it had been a good day! All of a sudden, I heard beatboxing. A MyPhone box fell on my head. I fell on my back, looking up at the sky. Wait a second - A beatboxing gull?

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