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            (by: hiddenheartless)

I thought, our relationship is perfect. We were like couple in a fairytale book.  We aren't fighting before, never had any misunderstanding. We have huge similarities. But she's giving up right now. She's falling out and I don't know why. Now, she's facing me, saying we're better off without each other.

"No.. No..You can't do that to me."

"I'm breaking up with you. Is that difficult to understand? I-i..."

Slowly, I broke down, tears fell from my eyes, my heart shattered into pieces. I wanted to scream, mostly because I'm having a hard time holding to my anger.

"W-why?" I asked for the third time, hoping she'll take it back.

"I'm tired with our relationship."

I smiled painfully. "Tired? Wow! Is that it? You're just tired and you wanted to break our three years relationship? Just what the hell Sha!" I shouted exasperatingly. I couldn't believe it.

"How could you do this to me?! I gave everything to you! Are they not enough!?"

She lowered her head,began to cry, as if everything I'm saying are painful for her. She still have the nerve to cry infront of me!

"I can't.. I just.." her voice broke. "I'm.. I'm sorry Hade. I'm no longer happy. Sorry."

Sorry? Can it mend my heart? Can it fix these broken pieces inside me?

I grabbed her wrist and force her to look at me but she just looked away. "You always say you hate to see me getting hurt, you hate to see me cry. But what happened? So all of those times you’ve hurt me, were you closing your eyes?"

She just cried harder. "I..I didn't mean it Hade. I fall-out, but believe me, I did everything..."

I gritted my teeth, clasped my fists, then fresh tears began to flow again, slowly from my eyes. "You're unbelievable. You destroyed me. I gave myself to you Sha," I choke. I cleared my throat to continue. "I can't believe you can easily break someone. I hate you so much. Don't come near me again," I said,smacking the back of my head, then push her slightly away from me.

Why do I have to say goodbye now that my everything is her? Why do I have to set her free now that all I need is her? And why must she love another when I am here loving her? It's damn unfair!

"I wish I never knew you at all as I regretted everything that happened between us," I said with raged in my voice, before I walked away.


"Woah! Cool!" Chelsey exclaimed, amazement was evident from her eyes.

"Do you like it?"

"No," she answered immediately. Her face became serious. My happiness deflated suddenly.

"I'm sorry, I thought you'll gonna like it."

She shook her head, "I don't like it silly, because I love it! Thank you so much Hade! Thank you!" she shouted with glee.

I smiled,my face lightened up. She roamed her eyes around. This is my gift, a painting studio. I thought she'll gonna freak out again, but for the first time, she didn't. I know she'll gonna accept it this time. I was about to walk towards her when my phone beep.

DAD: Hey son, accept me in facebook.

My eyes widened. I can't believe, my Dad would actually believe what I've said yesterday.

ME: You made a facebook??

DAD: Yes. Why?


DAD: What's "wtf" son?

I laughed.

ME: Welcome to facebook dad.

DAD: Okay thank you son. Goodluck with your girlfriend. Accept me okay? Takecare.

I pocketed my phone and looked at Chelsey who's now staring at me.

"You're smiling. Who's that?"

"It's dad. He asked me to accept him in facebook and gave me a goodluck message. He knows that I'm with you."

"Oww..I thought...." She stopped.

"Thought what?"

"It's Sasha," she admitted shyly.

I sighed, walked towards her and reached for her hands. She pouted like a child. "Hey stop that!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop pouting."


"Because I might stole your third kiss."

She chuckled. "Fine. Stop staring then. You're preventing me from getting mad."

I laughed slightly. "You can't get mad at me. If you're worried that Sasha and I will be back together, just stop. I and Sasha are over. I already forgive her for breaking up with me."

She smiled sadly. "Why?" I asked. "Don't you believe me?"

"The first time we met, you're broken. And now, it's like a dream.. Sometimes I want to pinch myself to make sure that having your love ain’t a dream. But I’m also afraid that if I pinch myself, I might wake up and realize that you’re really just a dream. I just can't believe how fast we----"

I sighed that made her stopped. Looking up at her, our eyes locked together. "Trust me Chels, I already moved on. I courted you because I love you, not because I need you. Copy?"

I still see hesitation in her eyes. I can't blame her. When she first saw me, I almost killed myself.

She prevented me from doing something I'm going to regret for the rest of my life. She's there when I can no longer stand on my own. I admit, I don't feel anything for her at first, but I wasn't able to stop myself from falling for her.

She's willing to go through hell just to make me laugh.I know we’re so different. I'm broken, she's whole. She's loud, I'm quiet. She's the speaker, I'm her listener. But those are the reason why I found myself falling inlove again. She fills in my missing pieces. I guess that’s why, despite the questions and challenges, I still believe in us and I still believe in this. And as long as we have each other, I think we’ll work it out.

"How can you say you already moved on?" she inquired, breaking the silence.

I smiled genuinely. "She's no longer the girl in my dreams, the girl I'm thinking when I was about to sleep, rather, it's you before now. Just trust me Chels."

"Don't you believe in the saying 'first love never dies?" she asked again.

"Yeah I believe, but I believe that true love can burry it alive."

Slowly, she smiled at me. "That's my girl. Your smiles are much better than your frowns. Now we'll go to Sasha's wedding. Copy?" I asked.



"What if--"

"Chels, Copy?"

She breathed hard. "Paste," she murmured.

"I can't hear you. Copy?"

She chuckled at last. "Paste!" She shouted. I pulled her hands before hugging her tightly against my chest.

"I love you Chels," I murmured softly in her ears.

"I love you too Hade," she answered back.

Maybe, the secret for long relationships is not having a perfect affair. It is not how less often we fight, not because of the number of similarities we have, nor the number of mistakes we did. Okay, those things count but it is the faith that keeps us going. A relationship would last if both of us are willing not to give up, if both of us is willing to stand up and still try every time one of us or both of us fall. We're not perfect, but I'm happy, because this is reality, not a fairytale.


COMPILATION OF SHORT STORIES AND FLASH FICTIONSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon