The Beginning

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       "EMILY LETS GO WERE GOING TO BE LATE"  my mom yelled as I was trying to get my jersey on. I had a basketball game and was getting ready
"COMING" I replied, I had been getting ready with my team for this game for MONTHS and now this is the day we have all been waiting for. The day we will win. Me and my mom got ready and we got in the car she dropped me off at the school were the bus would take us to the other school.

"ARE YOU READY LADIES" Our captin yelled we were all pumped and we replied "YEAH" with all this being said we took off to the game. We all talked and were playing a good game untli half time then we had started losing we all had gotten mad and they knew they broke us


Of course we lost the game but it was worse than it should've been because we were all fighting with eachother and getting frustrated. So pissed off I got in the car with my mom and we had the whole family. thats when it happend. My life was turned upside down, inside out, and twisted. I never saw it coming. Out of nowhere a car came and hit the side of our car. I could feel the car going in circles down this ditch and it came to a stop. Everyone but me had passed out and then I started screaming
"NO MOMMY, DADDY, SISSY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!" but it never happened they just layed there covered in blood then a guy ran to help I instantly reconized him. But it couldn't be could it? Of couse the worst time possible the guy I like had walked up and helped me out. He pulled me into his arms while I just sat there in pain sobbing. I couldn't walk so he carried me to an ambulance and stayed with me untilI had to go home.
The next morning I woke up and my house was empty all exept my dog and me. So I woke up and made breakfast hoping it was just a nightmare. But no it was real now and I would need some help
I went to the door and opened it there was a lady standing and she was the real deal she had on a skirt down just below her knees and a jacket ot was like a pants suit but with a skirt.   She said
"Hello young lady my name is Ruby and I am with CPS or if you would call it Child Protection Servises and we understand your family are all in the hospital so we would like to put you in a home were you will be fed and clothed if you would follow me and we can get you on the way to that home"
She was just so talkitive

didn't even get to say anything for myself so I shut and locked the door and got my pitbull and sat at the door. 'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK'
But obviously I didn't I told her
"I have a dog that WILL attack if you open that door so just leave me alone you must think I'm crazy if you think I'll leave my life behind or on pause just leave me alone I can make it on my own!!!"
And with that she left but I knew she would be back without a doubt.
I ate my breakfast and headed off to the store after I got my groceries I payed the bills and got some money out of the account and went home. After I put all my groceries away I heard a knock and took me and my wheel chair to the window and said "what? Can that really be him?" It was Travis the guy I like was at MY front door with something in his hand. So I opened it and he said
"I heard what happened and wanted to bring you these"
"Thank you so much I love them"
They were my favorite type of flower blue carnations. I asked him and his sister alexis if they would like to come in and they both said at the same time "sure!" 
It was a fun time they showed around 5pm and ened up staying until 3am not even realizing how late it was until alexis got a phone call from her mom asking where they were. So we said bye and they both gave me a hug and of course I hugged them back we even made plans in two days well technically the next day. Then I went to bed because I was dead.
The next morning I woke up and went to the hospital to see my family they were all still in a coma and I was just sitting there in the surgery room sobbing I couldn't handle it I didn't know what to do so I went for a walk in the park

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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