Justin's P.O.V
'Hey baby.' I said. 'How's daddy's little princess?' I smiled and kissed her forehead. She yawned and I cuddled her into my chest. She wheeled and smiled. 'Oh. Morning.' Myliene said, pausing outside our room. 'Morning baby.' I kissed her lips and she smiled at Amber. 'Hello my baby girl.' she kissed Amber's cheek. I smiled at them both and Myliene caught me staring at me. I winked at her and held her hand as we walked downstairs. 'Want pancakes?' she asked, while I set Amber in her highchair beside me. I looked at her and smiled. I nodded and she giggled.
I was making Amber giggle and Myliene handed me my pancakes. 'Thanks baby.' I smiled and kissed her cheek. She prepared Amber's food and fed her while eating her own pancakes. I smiled at her and she winked at me. Amber finished her food and I cleaned her up for Myliene. I put my plate in the sink and threw out Amber's baby food jar. I walked up behind Myliene and wrapped my arms around her. My head was rested on her head and she rested hers on my arm.
'I love you.' I whispered in her ear. She kissed my arm. 'I love you too, sweetie.' she smiled and looked up at me. I pecked her lips three times and she giggled. I smiled. 'So, what do you wanna do today?' I asked and picked Amber up in my arms and sat beside her. 'Hmm, we could go to the park.' Myliene suggested. I smiled and looked at Amber. 'You wanna go to the park, princess?' I asked her in a baby voice. She smiled and giggled. Myliene and I laughed and she kissed my cheek. 'You're an amazing father. I don't know if anyone ever told you.' she whispered in my ear. She kissed me passionatly and I smiled during it. Myliene pulled away and smiled.
'J are you ready?' Myliene shouted up to me. She was at the bottom of the stairs holding Amber in her arms. 'Yeah. Let's go.' I said grabbing my car keys. Myliene fastened Amber in her baby seat while I loked the door and checked my phone. I had a message from Scooter. I stood in the spot I was walking in and read the text. 'Baby, you okay?' Myliene shouted over to me. I nodded and put my phone ih my pocket. 'I'm fine baby.' I said smiling. She jumped in the car and I closed her door. I put the keys in the ignition of my black Range Rover and drove my two girls to the park.
Myliene pushed Amber in her stroller and I walked beside her with my arms around her shoulder. 'So, any new songs?' she asked and smiled a sneaky smile at me. I looked at her. She stayed quiet and smiled. 'I heard you singing in the shower.' she giggled. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. 'Yeah. I wrote it yesterday.' I answered. 'What's it called?' she asked. I shrugged. 'I havn't chosen a name yet.' I answered. She kissed my cheek. 'It's amazing.' I whispered. I blushed and she giggled. Amber squeeled in her pram and I smiled down at her. Myliene fixed her lepoard print hat the sat on her head and wipped her chin.
We found a picnic table and sat down together. Myliene fed Amber her bottle and I texted Scooter back. He asked me earlier about the song I wrote. "She heard me singing it in the shower. What now?" I locked my phone and placed it infront of me. 'You okay?' Myliene asked concerned. I smiled. 'Yeah. I'm fine.' I answered. She flashed her beautiful smile at me and I winked at her. She giggled and looked down at Amber.
"Dude! Stop singing in the shower. We can think of something else" the message said after I sent it to Scooter while we were in the park earlier. Myliene is giving Amber her bath. She is squeeling in the bathroom. Myliene giggled and I smiled. I walked quietly into the bathroom and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped a little. 'Only me.' I whispered in her ear. She smiled and poured some water over Ambers tummy. 'You're so beautiful.' I whispered in her ear. She mumbled to herself. 'What?' I asked. 'No I'm not.' she whispered. I looked over her shoulder and into her eyes. 'Don't ever say that. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever ever seen.' I said and kissed her. She kissed back and smiled. Amber finished her bath. Myliene wrapped her tight in her towel and snuggled her tight. She kissed her head. She was changed into her pink baby clothes and craddled her in her arms.
Amber fell asleep in Myliene's arms and we put her into her crib. I grabbed Myliene's hand and we walked into our room and lay down on our bed. I decided to tell her about the surprise I have for her. I got out of her arms and bent down to get the two tickets. I popped back up and seen a confused Myliene. 'Babe, we're together 10 years next month.' I began. She was smiling while I held her close to me. 'And I wanna do something special. So, I bought us this.' I said and handed the tickets to her. She opened them and her eyes widened. 'Oh my God Justin! We're going to Paris?' she asked practically screaming. I nodded and she leaped into my arms. She was never in Paris before so she was very excited.
Myliene and I layed in each other's arms and talked about Paris. At about 12, Myliene drifted off. I grabbed my phone from the table and texted my mom and Scooter. "Myliene is so happy about Paris. Thanks for helping me." I sent the message and rested my head on Myliene's shoulder. I kissed her head and she smiled in her sleep.