A meeting with the demon

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Chara began to speak for the fifth time. However, this time her dialogue was different. She slowly started off with the original words. "Greetings, I am Chara." She spoke, in a soft tone. "But I assume you already know that. You're here for a reason correct? You're probably wondering why it was me who finished the job, yes? Why it was me who killed him. It's called genocide... For a reason."

She stopped speaking and I was sent into a thick, black darkness. Out of the emptiness her voice came again. This time unpleasant, like her true character.

"Why are you still here?" She spoke in annoyance. "Hmmm..." She thought carefully, trying to figure out what I wanted. "I think I finally understand. You're disappointed we didn't KILL THEM ALL. Is this correct?" I nod, unsure of where she is.  "Well... I suppose I'll give you another chance. That is what you want yes?" I nod once again.

She laughed quietly. "Right... You are a great partner!" I feel a headache coming and soon I find myself lying on a soft surface. I look down to see myself back on the bed of flowers, outside the ruins. I laugh to myself. It's time to kill once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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