The Arête of Poems Introduction

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You must be wondering......

What exactly is this Arête??

No English word or phrase captures the exact meaning of Arête. The nearest equivalents are 'excellence' and 'virtue'. But there is something more to Arête which cannot be expressed in words. There is something of the Divine with it. Perhaps the only true way to describe arête is to consider two or more examples of excellence and to contemplate what it is they share.

What does it mean when we say of an action, an artistic work, or some flawless atheletic maneuver, that it is excellent? To behold what is excellent, in whatever form brings us the same joy. We perform an action with excellence and say 'perfect!'. In the moment of excellence, something transcends the mundane and Touches the Ideal.

For Plato, arête is mainly associated with moral excellence. It is superordinate to specific moral virtues of Courage, Temperance, Justice, etc; something they all share, a special unnamed quality, their essence. It is clearly related to Goodness, but not the same thing.

For Aristotle, something is excellent when it manifets its unique purpose or 'telos'. The unique, defining quality of human beings, for Aristotle, what makes them distinct from other creatures, is the capacity for rational thought. Human excellence, then, envolves the correct use of reason, principally in connection with moral choice....


Well that's it for now!!

Chill guys, I'm not gonna bore you to death with these things, Never......

So we'll meet soon. Till then Have a nice day!!

And yes!! Tell me if u like the cover!! I need a feedback please! 😉

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