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You sighed as you closed and locked your front door behind you. You could hear him pottering about with his dog, collecting his mail and such. You steeled yourself before turning around.

He was stood there in boxer shorts, a black tank top with a black unzipped hoodie over the top that was so long it ended at his thighs. He had forgone shoes and so his pale feet contrasted with the dark bricks of his driveway.

He was handsome, there was no doubting that and you'd be lying if you hadn't taken advantage of that, especially late at night when your hand ended up making its way into your briefs..

But he irritated you, sure he was kind, but you never saw him in anything other than pyjamas and comfy clothes. You'd eventually come to the conclusion that he didn't work and the only reason he had such a large house was because someone paid for it in his stead.

You tried to avoid him lest he get the idea you were interested, and you didn't want to be anyone's 'Pet'. You internally cringed at the thought.

"Good morning." He was smiling at you now, that dog of his bouncing around, you eyed it carefully, seeing as you were not going into work with hair all over his freshly pressed suit trousers.

You forced a smile and continued walking to your car.

"Good morning."  You replied tersely.

His smile faded slightly as you turned your back to him and got into your car. As you drove away, a brief glance in your rear-view mirror saw him squat down and pet his dog, glancing at your car.

And so the weeks past as they always did, you went about your day, every morning complete with an awkward encounter with the neighbour.

Almost 3 months later left you at home coiffing your hair as you got ready to attend one of those ridiculous dinner parties. You wouldn't be attending but one of the boss's administrators had insisted your presence was required.

You took one last look in the mirror and straightened your necklace before making for the door.

You opened the door and stopped short, stood there, with his hand raised to knock was your neighbour. Except, he was wearing a dashing evening suit. You were shocked.

"Sorry to bother you Ms. (L/N), this was dropped off earlier but you weren't home." You only just noticed he was holding a package in his hands. You took it from him and placed it on the small table closest to the door before turning back to him.

"Thank you. You look... handsome.." You breathed. His mouth dropped slightly until he smiled and looked you over.

"I'd say you look beautiful, but you always do so it's not much of a compliment."

Now you were speechless.

"I should go, the publication party starts soon." He muttered before awkwardly smiling at him again and turning to go.

"Wait." You called out, shutting and locking your front door. You moved to his side.

"Publication party?" You asked. He nodded.

"Yes, I'm a Doctor and a writer, I just published my newest novel and It's already hit the bestseller list. So my friends want to celebrate."

"That's... well, that's good." You said, understanding blossoming within you. You'd been so wrong about him. Damn you.

"Would you... perhaps like to have dinner with me sometime?" He forced the words out and looked away, afraid of rejection.

You gave a quiet giggle and looked up.

"I've waited almost a year for you to say that. Of course I'll have dinner with you."

He smiled at you, the joy inside suffocating him.

"I should go, have a nice night Dr. Chilton." You turned and made your way to your car.

"Frederick." he called after you.

You offered him one last smile before you got into your car and he lost sight of you.


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