Your Will Be Done

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Have you ever had the sure feeling that you were going to die soon. I'm not talking about years, I'm talking about soon as in tonight or right now. No one really knows what this means but God Almighty. He knew this would come because He predestined our lives because He saw fit to do it that way. I will accept death with open arms because if God wants to take me, He's God He can do whatever He wants. My only fear is leaving my loved ones. I don't want them to go through the traumatizing experience again of losing a loved one as I previously experienced with them. We can never understand God's ways or reasons for doing things unless He graciously reveals them to us. God's ways are beyond light years ahead of us. We can't even touch the surface of what He does or planned to do which was already done. Because I say again God predetermined every part of our lives. I am not writing this as a fable, to get comments or votes but I am truly expressing the way I'm feeling and I want wattpad users and everyone to know that Jesus is real and its time we get closer to Him. I'm not trying to scare you into knowing Him but I'm only being honest with you and opening my heart for you to see me for who I am.

I am a Christian, true but I am a failure, a sinner who was saved by a power so great that words can't express His love for us. I am a saint who doesn't do the right thing all the time. I get angry with God, I sin on purpose at times, but I go back to God and confess my wrong and His forgiveness cleanses me. Please readers I beg you to please understand that first God loves you and secondly He wants a relationship with you. Third He wants to cleanse you from all sin.

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