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Camila opens her eyes and immediately looks up at Lauren, who's chest she was currently laying her head on. She listens closely to hear the older girl's heartbeat. It was beating at a slow rhythm, which she found very calming. Camila was very relaxed now that she was sure the other girl was peacefully sleeping, instead of having one of her dark nightmares which lead her to wake up screaming.
On most nights, Lauren would start whimpering in her sleep just like a helpless little child. Those whimpers soon progress, becoming loud, ear-piercing screams. Camila usually tries to wake Lauren up before that happens. She hates that the person she cares about most in her life feels scared and unsafe, even if it's just a nightmare, because she knows there's nothing she can do to stop it. God knows she'd do anything in order to be able to fight the demons haunting the other girl. Unfortunately, in this situation, there's nothing more she can do.
Camila then decided to go back to sleep, since they'd have to be up in three hours.

Camz, or Karla Camila Cabello, is 18 years old. She was born and raised in Miami. She comes from one of the wealthiest families in the city: The Cabellos were swimming in money and they all loved it! Camila on the other hand never cared much for it. In fact, two years ago when a certain green-eyed friend of hers decided to get emancipated and go live independently, Camila decided to join her.
Regz, or Lauren Michelle Jauregui, is 19 years old. She was also born in Miami. She's an orphan, the only family she ever had was her mother, who died when Lauren was 7 years old. It was terribly difficult for her.
The two of them meet, when Lauren was 7 and Camila was 6.

Lauren wakes up and reaches for the brunette laying on her chest. She gently places her hand on Camila's left cheek, she looks at the other girl and a smile finds its way to her mouth. Camila opens her eyes and smiles up at the other girl, each girl waiting for the other to speak their first words of the day.
"Mornin' Camz." Lauren says softly.
"Good morning Regz, I feel like you slept well. Am I right?" Camila asks with a smile on her face.
"I did, thank you ver-- wait, did you wake up in the middle of the night to check on me again Camz?"
"Well... yeah. It's involuntary! Trust me my subconscious somehow just got used to it. My body wakes up every night at 3 AM to check up on you. Plus I'm your best friend, if I don't do it, who will?" Camila states proudly.
Lauren stays silent for a moment, then decides to change the subject and says. "Now that we're both up. Bathroom's waiting for us." Lauren chuckled.
Just as she was turning around to head to the bathroom, Camila speaks again.
"Regzy... Carry me?" Camila was now pouting at the older girl.
Lauren rolled her eyes. Not because she didn't want to carry the girl, but because she knew there was no way she would be able to say no to those puppy dog brown eyes, no matter how hard she tried. Lauren would often carry Camila around on her back. Camila was very light, so it was no problem for Lauren and she also knew how much the younger girl likes it. She has liked it ever since they were little, when Lauren would carry Camila everywhere just to see that beautiful smile on her face.

The pair head to the bathroom, Camila still on Lauren's back, not that she minded. They both start off by washing their faces. Then Lauren puts toothpaste on both of their toothbrushes, while Camila dries her wet face with a towel, proceeding to wipe Lauren's face afterwards. Lauren hands Camila her toothbrush as they both look at each other through the mirror and smile while brushing. When they're done, Lauren spits the remaining bit of toothpaste into the sink, reaching for a small purple cup, that is placed next to the sink, she fills it with water, using it as mouthwash and then holds the cup over her head for Camila to do the same.
This is just an example of how the both of them function together. They're not two people, they're more like two halves that joined together to make one. They function together very well, brushing their teeth, cooking a meal, doing chores. They're both so used to the other that they don't even notice it anymore. They don't notice how much their energies are in sync.
Lauren Jauregui is a very well-known singer.
Camila Cabello is one of the most requested models in the industry.
Both of their careers skyrocketed when Lauren released a music video for her song: "Thinking 'bout you", which featured Camila. The video got over one million views in three days, nothing has been the same ever since.
Sure, their friendship hadn't altered in any way, but only because both of them always made sure to prioritize one another. They made it clear to everyone around that they are a package deal. For example, if Camila had to do a photo-shoot, you better believe Lauren will be there with her. And if Lauren had to go into the studio to record a song, Camila will be present. However, this doesn't mean that people didn't try to separate them.
Camila's manager and Lauren's publicist tried so hard to put an end to their friendship. According to those bitches, it was bad for their image. They'd tell Camila to only make friends with models. And Lauren with other artists. They'd say that Camila should embody innocence, being a model. While Lauren embodied the Rockstar lifestyle. Both Lauren and Camila had had enough of them and their useless opinions. So one day Lauren decided to start her own label, which is now the best in the entire industry.
Jauregui Records is the place that gave birth to many extraordinary talents. Lauren also didn't lack any talent, she is known for writing some of the best songs for herself and the other artists in her label. Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato are examples of artists she has in the Pop category. Rock was also a category, which went from Green Day and Fall out Boy to Paramore and Thirty Seconds to Mars. Rap consists of people from Lil Wayne and Ty Dolla $ign to Nicki Menaj and Champagne Papi himself, Drake.
She fit in with everyone and even her employees loved her. She was charming, and everyone knew she had a way with words. She flashes her perfect smile and everyone around her is willing to please her. This also included girls, who would do anything to get in her pants, for lack of a better expression.
Camila meet Lauren when they were little, they became best friends. A few years after that, Lauren enrolled into Camila's high school and they were both over the moon about getting to be classmates. Lauren always seemed to struggle with her schoolwork, she'd have to stay after school for an extra three hours for tutoring. She also had to work three times as hard as her classmates in order to get the same results as them. This caused a slight separation between the two girls, they never had time for each other due to Lauren's academic difficulty. Later, Camila found out the reason to why Lauren was having such a hard time adjusting in school.
As a kid, Lauren's 'father', if he can even be called one, locked her and her mother in a shed behind his house.
(a/n: the story of Lauren's childhood is vaguely based on the book turned movie, 'The Room'. I suggest watching it, it'll break your cold hearts!)
It all started when one day 17-year-old Clara Jauregui was walking down the street, when a man came up to her and asked her to help him look for his 'missing dog'. Being the good and helpful girl that her parents raised her to be, she agreed to help the man. Little did she know, the man's intentions weren't at all to find a dog. That sorry excuse for a man kidnapped Clara and locked her up in the shed in order to prevent her from escaping. He would come to the shed every night to rape her. He also brought food and other supplies for her survival. At first, Clara was very aggressive and resistant, but after a while she accepted the fact that she was stuck there and no more did she fight the man who had ruined her life forever.
Clara stayed alone in that shed for 2 years, until June 27 1996, the day she gave birth to one beautiful baby Lauren. Clara named her baby after her best friend, whom she hadn't seen since the day she was locked in the shed. Clara raised her baby inside those four walls, the only way she knew how to, by giving her love and by making her feel safe and at home. Clara loved her daughter more than anything and over her dead body would that man ever hurt her daughter, let alone touch her in any way. So every night at 8, when she knew the man would come into the shed to check on them, she'd tuck her baby into bed, which consisted of a pillow and a blanket placed inside of the closet. She'd tell Lauren not to make any noise as she closed the closet doors, hoping to God her baby would be safe and sound inside. Lauren would go to sleep every night, hearing the noise coming from her mother's bed, she didn't think much of it. Little did she know her mother was being raped by the man, like she had been everyday for the past 2 years.
Clara became very afraid once her daughter started to speak. Because speaking means questions. The man decided one day to put a little square shaped TV in the shed, Lauren would often sit on the floor and enjoy the entertainment. Although she didn't understand how those people appeared on the screen if they weren't real.
See, Clara didn't want to tell her baby about the outside world, and about how there is and entire planet outside of those four walls they were trapped in. She knew it would only sadden her daughter. She also didn't want to provide her daughter with false hope, in case they'd never be able to escape the shed. If you were in her shoes, what would you have done?
She decided to give her daughter false information about the world, convinced it was the right thing to do. She taught Lauren that earth was Room, the shed. Outside of Room there is space, where aliens live, the two of them couldn't get out of Room because the aliens would kill them. As far as 4-year-old Lauren knew she and her mother were the only people on Room (=Earth).
One day Clara was thinking about her and her daughters lives and she decided it wasn't good enough, or at all. Her daughter deserved better, she deserved better.
So she sat Lauren down, and told her the truth about the world, she told her everything. Then, they made a plan in order to free themselves from the man. Lauren would fake being dead, her mother would wrap her up in the carpet they had, when the man came at 8 that night, Clara faked crying hysterically, demanding her poor 'dead' daughter be buried properly. The man, shocked over the death of his daughter, agreed. He took the rolled up carpet, with Lauren inside and put her in the back of his pickup truck. Clara had told Lauren to count to 70 and then roll out of the carpet and look for the nearest stop sign, then jump out the pick up truck once it slowed down. Lauren did as she was told and ran as fast as she could. Unfortunately her mother wasn't so lucky. The man was furious over Lauren's escape, he drove back to the shed and shot Clara in the head.
Despite being famous now, the only person who knew about her childhood was Camila. Wikipedia didn't know, the fans didn't know and her employees didn't know, that's the way she wanted it.
Lauren didn't want to have any weaknesses that people could exploit. She didn't believe that people are good by nature. According to her, people were born evil, good people are the ones who hid it best. She'd never admit it but Lauren's one true weekness... was Camila.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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