Chapter 1

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There was a girl called Tiffany and a boy called Isaiah and they were friends and one day at school this new girl came and when she came into my class her name was Lloyda and she knew one person and that one person was ... Isaiah and I was very surprised about this so 1 year later she had become my bestie and when we got closer she told me she had liked Isaiah but I liked him as well so 3 weeks later Tiffany told Isaiah's best friend and then Isaiah's  best friend told Isaiah that I (Lloyda) likes him and then....

A few weeks later Isaiah had been so annoying that I stopped liking him
So my bestie was very happy and because I have a big mouth and told her stuff about him...

Chapter 2

She told him everything but.. she told me things about him too so I had to get her back so I did and I went to him and told him the things that she had said about him so Yh that's Pretty much what happened

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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