The Wolves

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"This place stinks." I groan as im walked through the chambers of the castle."Be quiet,  at least you're still alive." A tall guard grunts. I look up at him and notice he doesn't look old, probably my age. His little buddy next to him seems even younger maybe 13. "So what did you do to piss off the boss?" The younger guard asks." I didn't do anything." I growl out."Treason. She was working with The Wolves."  The young guard gasps and goes wide-eyed.

I roll my eyes at his astonishment before I see a Wolf running across the roof. I grin. Well I guess it's time to go. I yank my arms free from the guards."Hey what are y-" I punch the guard in the face making him cry out in pain. When he tries to get back up I kick him down and pull out the handcuffs from his belt. They should really start using these.They probably wouldnt end up on the floor if they did . I cuff him to the door and turn to see the younger guard staring at me in awe. I snort,"That was nothing." He laughs."Alright kid, it was a pleasure." I smile before running off.

The Wolves is a secret society built up from a small gang of teens who were thought to be part wolf because of their extraordinary strength and speed. When the king had started to mess up and kill innocent commoners The Wolves rose up to protect them and killed off the king.But this angered the kingdom and The Wolves were seen as the enemy,to be killed on the spot. Since then they have not been seen...until now.

I run back to the main dinning room, searching for the Wolf."Over here!" I turn and see Lucas sitting on a desk."What took you so long?" he asks before we hear the guards. We turn to look over our shoulders to see a huge mob. I sigh, "Kinda hard to get away fast when you have to fight a stupid guard." Lucas laughs while the guards charge at us yelling and screaming with-of course- their pitch forks and torches."STAY BACK!" We yell and they hold back a moment,questioning their chances at beating us. Thats when one huge guard steps forward. Lucas and I jump into action and beat the poor little soul that had came too close to us. The other guards then begin to follow and soon we're out numbered so we do what we always do when that happens. We run and we run fast.

We make it out of the castle in no time, leaving the guards far behind. So far that we even stop to get some food. We stuff our bags while eating the beef jerky we borrowed from the castle restaurant."Im tired of all these stupid rich people. All I did was drop a guy who was trying to rob a lady. And look, they charge me for it and let the guy go with out a second look." I whine. Lucas nods in consideration. "C'mon lets go give them a piece of our mind." Standing up, I stare at him intently."No im tired Lucas and we just...I dont think we should-"  "I dont mean fight them or anything but ya know prank them or something while we're here." He shrugs. I laugh, "Ok well how are we gonna do that?"  "I got a plan." He says with a mischievous grin on his face.

"I'll...I dont know...pick a fight with a guard to distract them while you go and let out that bull they're keeping for that big dinner later!" I frown." What if that bull hurts the commoners? That goes against everything we do." "I didn't think there would be any commoners here." He mutters while crossing his arms."Well there is...its not like we can just guide the bull around them." I say, growing bored of this conversation."WE CAN!" Lucas blurts out after awhile of sitting on the ground."What?" "We can block off the entrance to the quad! It wouldn't be all that hard!" I think about this for awhile before responding."That would lead the bull right into the castle..." I smirk." Alright, that'll work." Lucas begins to laugh. I smile. What have I got myself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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