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Anaya's Pov

I was walking back to my car after getting some chips, dog treats and  raspberry tea from the store when I heard a loud groan from the dark alley in front of me. I stopped at the sudden sound because it sounded like a groan of pain. I was about to walk away when I heard a louder one followed by a "shut the fuck up or I'll kill you."

When I heard that I decided to take action walking into the dark alley. I saw three guys mugging this guy that look around my age. They had obviously stabbed and beat him up due to his blood on his shirt and bruises on forming on his face.

"Let him go." I said with authority. If these guys think I'm scared of them they got another thing coming. I practiced Brazilian jujitsu since I was seven. I also do MMA fighting at my local gym. I really skilled at fighting and if these punks think I can't take them they're sadly mistaken.

"Oh, and what are you gonna do about it pretty kitty?" One of them said smirking and coming closer.

"Touch me and find out." I say not showing any emotion. He looks at me confused, but proceeds towards me anyway.

"We're gonna have fun with this little pussy." He said groping me. I dropped my bags and punched him square in the jaw then in the temple and slammed on the ground. He didn't even have enough time to hit back. I'm just too quick.

As he rolls on the ground in pain the other one comes over and throws a punch I dodge it then kick him right in the jaw and putting my knee forcefully into his stomach. He rolls on the ground in pain as well.

I approach the last one but he puts his hands up in the air for surrender and I smirk.

"If you know what's good for you. You'd get the fuck out of here." I said and with that he scrammed walking away fastly while apologizing and begging me not to hurt him. Pathetic.

My eyes then move down to the guy. He has brown hair ,a beard and looks a little like David Beckham. I find his wallet on the ground and it reads Liam Payne. Nice name.

I try to wake him up, but I've come to the conclusion they beat him unconscious. My eyes dart to his phone to find somebody to pick him up but it's  completely damaged. I feel bad for the guy. All he wanted was milk. I frown at the milk carton on the floor. Poor milk carton, poor Liam.

"I guess you're coming with me then" I sigh picking him up. I feel so bad for the guy and I can't even wake him up. He was kind of heavy. He's a buff guy.

I put him in the backseat of my jeep get in the car. I look back at him making sure his seat belt is on. I feel so bad for Liam and his milk. I make a mental note to buy his some milk tomorrow. I drive home listening to 'Tear in my Heart' by 21 pilots and a song could never be more relatable. I'm really trying not to go into these potholes. I pull up to my loft and a sigh of relief washes over me. I can't wait to get away from this breezy fall night into my cozy loft. I carry Liam inside which was pretty difficult because I didn't want to put him on the floor but I had to unlock the door. Once it was unlocked I took him inside and into my bathroom. I tried splashing water on his face but he wouldn't budge. I sigh again. What am I going to do with him? There is no way I'm going into a hospital.

I take off his shirt to stitch up his cut on his stomach. He has a nice chest. Liam's pretty good-looking. I stitch him up wash his face off and give him some new clothes to sleep in. Is it weird I buy guys clothing? Like sweatpants and t-shirts? They're just so comfortable. I change him and carry him into my bedroom. I can just sleep on the couch. My couch is hella comfty. I tuck him in and even let him cuddle with my stuffed teddy bear. Even though he isn't really cuddling it because he's unconscious. I make sure Liam's alright then go grab some covers  from the linen closet and put them on the couch. I take off my pants and drift into a deep deep slumber.

I wake up to a loud yell I knew it was Liam. I jump up and rush to to room. I see him rolling around in pain groaning. I quickly rush over to him comforting him.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." I say his head snaps at me brown soft eyes look confused and scared.

"Who in the bloody hell are you? Why am I here? Did you take my kidney? Hopefully not I only have one." He says and I laugh.

" To answer your questions I saved you last night were getting mugged and beaten the shit out of and I helped you. I didn't have any information on how to get you home so I brought you here." I say. He looks at me wearily but his face softens.

"Thankyou, but why didn't you bring me to the hospital?" He says and I get stiff.

"I-I don't do hospitals." I say looking down so he gets the hint I don't want to talk about it.

"Oh...well did you get any of my belongings back?"He asked with hope.

"Yes, but your phone is completely broken. I'm sorry."I say and he frowns but nods.

"Oh, wait. Come with me." I just remember I have a extra iPhone I can give him. It's an IPhone 6s plus space grey.

I take him into my kitchen I remove his memory card and sim card from his phone then slip it into the new one.

"Oh, no I can't take this it'd be too much." He says shaking his head. He's a really sweet understanding guy. Hence why he got jumped last night.

"It's really no big deal. I hate that color anyway." I say sliding it to him.

"Oh , um- thankyou..."He says trailing off to figure out my name.

"Anaya. My name is Anaya."  I say  smiling.

"It suits you."

"Thankyou, Liam." He smiles and I hear a loud growl from his stomach.

"How about I make breakfast? " I ask.

"Yes, ma'am "


This book is kicking off with Liam but it's gonna be about Harry and Niall romantically.

For you to understand Anaya is a very crucial thing. She is a very Arduous person to understand.  I want you guys to have some mystery and figure her out as the boys do. But yeah next chapter will be filled with more characters. Also in this book Sophia is gonna be Liam's girlfriend because I love that bitch. Cheryl is......Cheryl. Also  Zayn is gonna be in this no Gigi even though I love her.  Also nobody is "famous", but they do own a music shop that is very popular.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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