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A/n ; this story is gonna be updated on AO3, before being put on here, so sorry if its late : /

rose / pink -

A color that is lighter than red , but darker than white .

A color that complements purple , red , and peach .

pink .

pink was the color of his cheeks whens its cold out.

pink was the color of his shirt .

pink was a shade of the sky's color as the sun settled behind the horizon.

pink reminded him of cotton candy.

pink reminded him of sweet .

pink reminded him of healed scars on his thighs.

pink was a color that that reminded him of him .

pink .


Charles was an average boy, but not too average.

On the outside, he looked perfect. He was quite good looking, being told that by a lot of girls.

On the inside, though, Charles wasn't too well. He never expressed his feelings and emotions to others, because he thought he was a bore and that he was confusing.

Never expressing those feelings, keeping them bottled up, and never knowing when to say no, really messed Charles up.

His mother, a beautiful shade of red she was, worried about Charles. She didn't know what Charles felt on a daily basis. She didn't understand what Charles meant when he spoke words, like 'you're blue mommy, are you sad mommy?'.

As a kid, Charles was a quiet child, but he was never, by any means, slow. He had some of the best grades of his classroom. Charles mother took him to the doctors many times to see if there was anything wrong, anything that they could help with.

After many C.A.T. scans, they found nothing, other than that Charles was a healthy boy. His mother wanted answers, she wanted to know if her baby boy was okay. They tried to get him to talk with a therapist, which he did.

And they had a breakthrough, although very small. Charles was checked for his mental state, he was checked to see if he had depression . Something that wasn't likely for Charles'' state.

Yet again, they couldn't find anything. Charles' doctor told his mother that maybe, just maybe, what Charles was going through was something beyond repair. She was asked how he was raised, and she spilled. She told him about his father, how he left them when Charles was a mere 3 years old, how he watched his parents yell and argue, but never saw anything physically abusive between the two. She talked about how Charles was always bullied, and still is to this day, just because he won't talk to others and how people think he's weird because when he talks, it's usually about colors, and meanings that no one understands.

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