Chapter 1- Escape

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 Chapter 1-Escape

It was one of those boring afternoons in English class where every time I looked at the clock it wouldn’t move a bit. I sat at the very back with one other person who’s name is Mimi. Every time I tried to start a conversation she would snap at me with those brown, piercing eyes as if looks could kill.

I couldn’t be bothered writing what’s on the board or listen to what the teacher was saying until I heard someone new was arriving to the class.

“Meet Ashley class, she’s come all the way from California to Boston” the teacher said as the new girl Ashley stood next to the teacher shyly, her cheeks bright red.

She took the last seat which was next to me, grabbing her book out.

“Hi, I’m Paige” I said with a little wave and a glistening smile.

“Hi” she replied shyly and that was it for our conversation.

I looked at the clock again,

It still hadn’t moved by the looks of it.

I looked over at the girl was writing and instantly I couldn’t stop reading as the top of the page said

‘The Fairy Adventures of Rosetta’

I looked over the forest and the village of The Fairy Garden City on my balcony of the castle where I lived. My father and mother the Madam and Master of all of The Fairy Garden where no one was to leave, where no one was to enter.

I leaned over sadly on my balcony, outside my room, waiting for a hundred years to pass as tonight my father would set upon a potion on me that made me sleep and only my future husband could wake me up with a simple kiss.

As old as this silly legend was, it still worked but I objected to this kind of idea to find me a husband but mother and father have never let me leave the castle let alone my room.

I’ve always wanted to touch the ground of the village floor, feel the soft grass and the wet dirt. I wanted to meet other people of The Fairy Garden but no one was ever allowed to talk to me except my parents.

But as today where the new born fairies celebration was on, held at the nursery where all new born babies were cared for until they awakened my father and mother were off to the celebration where I would make my escape.

It would be simple if my wings were properly produced but my parents were strict about me not leaving the castle as I once had escaped and they clipped my wings so I would not ever to fly again.

Of course I had friends to help me escape

They arrived flying in the air, all three of them with their green skin, long nose and huge mole on the end of their nose and a wicked laugh that no one would ever forget.

A witch, the worst enemy of the fairies which I promised them the secret potions and poisons my father held in his office in one book. My father uses it all the time and that is how The Fairy Garden City is held under control.

“Here you go” I said handing the book to the witch as the other two witches stared over at me with a wicked smile.

“Thank you young princess” she said with a wicked laugh that made me feel that I was doing the wrong thing but it was better to leave the village then to stay here and fall asleep.

As I stood on the balcony to hop on the back of one witches broom a woman shrieking was all anyone could hear.

“They are here, the witches and they are taking the princess” she said pointing up at me and the witches. I jumped on the broom quickly as the alarm went off and the Dragon fly soldiers started chasing us.

We lost them quickly as a broom is the fastest thing to have in a forest anyways the guards could only leave the village one more metre then they weren’t allowed further out. The only time a fairy is allowed out or should I say forced out is when they’ve done something horrible, The Fairy Garden is only made up of good and not evil but no one is good, they’ve got an evil side to.

All three witches looked at each other evilly with a sly smile. I felt a sudden swarm of regret plotted my belly, weighing me down.

Then the next thing you know is I’m spinning off the broom, twirling sideways through the air, through the leaves hanging off the trees.

I didn’t scream, all open my eyes, I squeaked my eyes shut not opening them scared to see what was happening.

As I fell, a sharp pain filled my body as the pink, glittery blood fell out of my wing as I crumbled on the forest floor.

I turned to see my wing, a cut straight through my wing, not like it mattered anyway, I would never be able to fly again what with my parents clipping my wing like a bird but it was illegal for fairies to clip a bird’s wing because they were reinforcements just in case war broke out.

“OUCH” I screamed as I turned around touched the cut on my wing, getting blood all over my hand and whipping it on my clothes which was stupid to do, now I had blood all over me.

I looked around for help but I was in a forest in the middle of nowhere.

“HELLO?” I yelled out twirling around yelling for help before I bled to death, I wouldn’t really bleed to death because my wings didn’t use the blood in my body but if I lose too much blood in my wings they soon would decay and fall off and a pair of new ones would grow.

But all that was around was a red bag…

I grabbed it off the leafy floor; I opened the bag that had nothing in it, nothing at all.

I was alone out in the forest with no one…

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