The Meeting

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That afternoon, Rainbow flew to Sweet Apple Acres very fast.

I'm not letting a friend down, she thought. I need to get there as fast as I can.

Finally, Sweet Apple Acres was in Rainbow Dash's view. She spiraled downward until she landed smoothly in front of the entrance gate. When she walked through, she headed to the front of the barn, where she was surprised to see that a small stone wall protected the front of the barn, with only a stone door on hinges at its peak.

Rainbow entered the door, but immediately, she noticed Applejack standing in the middle of the space and just beside her, Rarity.

"Applejack! Is this supposed to be a joke?" Rainbow burst out.

Applejack walked over, stood by Rainbow, and, talking in a voice that only Rainbow could hear, she told her,

"No, Rainbow. This isn't a joke. It is just a way for you to face your fear of talking to a certain someone." Then she addressed the unicorn. "Rainbow Dash has something she needs to say to you, Rarity, but she wants you guys to be alone." With that, Applejack trotted out the door and closed it. Rainbow began to sweat when she heard it close and she mentally tried to think of a good escapade route.

"Well? What is it, Rainbow Dash?"

Rarity's voice snapped the cyan pegasus back to reality. Rainbow gulped. One of her worst nightmares was finally coming true.


The young rainbow-maned pony couldn't make the words come.

What will I do?

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