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Do you know how people say after the storm there is a rainbow, how that after pain there is happiness, that things will get better, that everything has to even out at some point and that things can't always be bad.
Well I'm currently in that stage after the storm where there's no rainbow, there's just a pale empty grey sky, with that single storm cloud taunting you that it's not over yet, that more pain is still to come.
It's as if time is moving in slow motion and nothing is moving forward.

I never realised how much your life could change in a month, how your natural routine could change and you barely get out of bed in the morning let alone open your eyes to wake up.
In the past month I've lost two of the most important people in my life and I don't know how to function without them.
My mother, she was strong and the most independent person I knew, a lawyer with the most prestigious law firm In New York, gorgeous long ombré brown hair, she was my hero.
My brother Auggie, he was only 10 and he had so much life ahead of him, an old soul, so intelligent and brave, he was taken too soon.
They were taken too soon.

I was there the night it happened, the night they died, I don't remember much well I don't remember anything really at all, I only see it in my dreams, the flashbacks, the parts I don't remember or I should remember.
When I sleep it's as if I'm living the accident again, it's as if I'm actually there again, or sometimes I'm looking over the accident, watching it happen and seeing the outcome, but I never finish the dream, I wake up and can't get back to sleep to finish the dream, it's as if my mind won't let me recall my memories, remember parts that might make some sense, that might add up to a reason why there was an animal attack on our car driving home, why my mother and brother were both murdered, why I was the one to survive, why I am Alive.

Authors note
So that's the storyline for this twilight-ish rucas fic.
It's going to be a similar storyline I just can't think of a good name for the story yet so it'll have to stick as twilight.
Hope you enjoy the chapters to come and leave your comments and suggestions below.
Hope you enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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