Complicated Love

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Chapter One

' Lou I don't want to go to school today...'

' I'm sorry. But you have to...." Lou is my step mom, she is probably the most pretty person in this house... She smiled at me and handed me my pancake.

' Lou... Why!!!!!'

" Oh Marci will you go get some eggs from the people behind us??'

" But the people behind us are drugies.."

" Marci Elizabeth Tisadle we don't talk about people like that!!!."

" I'll be back..." I slipped my Toms on and walked out side. It was beautiful today, and it was really warm like it always was. I really haven't been over to this house since I've lived here, and we've been here since my dad remarried. Which has been three years. I wasn't really scared to go over here, but I just didn't know what could happen... I looked around there yard, there were beer cans everywhere and there was a weird odor in the air.. I just quickly made my way up there back steps, I was still second guessing my self.

' Should I knock.'

' I can just tell Lou they didn't have any...'

' What if they are rapist.' I went to turn around but someone answered the door.

" Uhm who are you??" His voice was deep and he spoke slow. I turned and looked at him, a smile creped on my face. He was really tall, he had a towel around his waist, and no shirt. Showing his tattoos up and down his body, he had swallows on his chest, and he had a combination of tattoos on his arms. His hair was extremely curly. " Uh hello?"

" Oh.. I live over there." I pointed to my house. " I was going to ask if you had an egg, I could borrow... I finally looked at his eyes, they had a beautiful green color. But the white part was red, extremely red. My heart sank, like I said they were drugies. A girl walked through the kitchen I recognized the voice....

" Brittney??" She ran to the door, in response. We didn't really talk cause she was popular and I wasn't, she hung out with all the black kids. Which there isn't anything wrong with that, cause I did to. But they were all popular. Me and her were friends in elementary school, but in middle school she became popular and we stopped talking. I was surprised when she gave me a smile.

" Hey Marci. What are you doing here??"

" I came to borrow an egg."

" Where do you live??" I pointed towards my house. " Wow. I've known you forever and I cant believe that I didn't know that you lived behind me." We laughed at each other, I could tell that she was messed up as well, her eyes were red just not as bad as the other guys... " Oh this is my cousin Harry. He moved in the other day.." He gave me a nod. " You should come over after school, and hang out. Maybe smoke a little."

" Oh I don't.."

" Have you ever tried it??"

" No. I've never been offered any.."

" Well come over after school. And you don't have to we can just all chill." Brittney went back in side and grabbed me three eggs. I said my good byes. Harry stood on the porch watching me walk back to my house. I've never been the person to smoke weed. I haven't done anything. I was a straight A student and I stayed out of trouble. I usually didn't even go out side and if I did I was walking up to the bus stop or something... I walked in side and Lou looked at me.

"I just found out that an old friend lived behind me. She has ever since we moved here.."

" See and you said they were drugies..' I kept to myself, I finished my pancake, and as I was heading out the door Lou stopped me.

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