"I said, I love you!" The voice echoed through the empty school corridor, Rei trembling as he gripped his shirt tightly over his heart. "I love you." He whispered again, indigo eyes welling up with tears.
Nagisa stood, shocked, large eyes wide, staring blankly.
"Say something!" The tallest demanded, hitting the wall next to him harshly. "Please, Nagisa." He begged, the tears now falling freely down his face. "I've loved you for such a long time, so please, say something. Tell me you hate me! Tell me I'm disgusting! Just, say something."
The blonde's jaw loosened, opening for a moment before his soft rose eyes averted Rei's burning gaze and his mouth locked shut.
"I'm sorry." Rei whispered, turning to walk away. "I'm so sorry I ever bothered you."
He began to run, feet blindly carrying him down the stairs and out a door into the cool night. Violent sobs raked his lithe form as he stood at the edge of the pool, staring down at his rippled reflection.
He turned around quickly, hearing the tell-tale patter of Nagisa's school shoes. "Just leave me alone!" Rei shouted, tear filled eyes watching as the small blonde came through the door. "I won't bother you anymore s-" He was cut off as he took a step back to the edge of the pool, losing his balance. He fell straight back, arms flailing as he failed to catch himself.
Nagisa jumped in after him, swimming down to the bottom the pool where he laid, struggling to get back up to the surface, looking down at where his shirt was caught in the vent. He swam down and picked Rei up by collar of his shirt, tugging him up.
The bluenette coughed and sputtered, leaning heavily against the pool's cold wall as he caught his breath. Suddenly, he felt himself being pulled forward, warm, wet lips pressing against his. The smaller's hands fisted in his soaked collar, pulling him closer as one of Rei's hands gripped his wrist.
"I love you, too."