Clumsy Witches?

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I look at myself one last time in the mirror, taking in my cute, sassy, witch costume. Perfect for a party. At least according to Alya. *Sigh* I should know better than to take her advice after what happened last time (see the Truth About Christmas). But hey, I know nothing about parties either so I have no choice! A dab of lip gloss and dramatic, sinister looking eyeliner, and I'm out the door.

 "Hey! Wassup Diana?!" Yep, normal, overenthusiastic Alya. All hyped up for the party. As usual. "No time to chat, I found the perfect guy for you!" Hmm... suspicious...

 Alya leads me into the throng of people and makes a beeline for a guy in a long, dark cape, with his back to us. However, in the midst of the crowd, I lose her, and me being the overly clutzy person I am,I TRIP (again, see my previous short story). In a frame by frame style scene, I'm twisting, a natural reflex, bracing myself for impact, but instead, a pair of arms sweeps me back onto my feet and leaves me breathless. Not the near faceplant, but who caught me. It's the guy Alya wanted to introduce me to!

 Dressed as the phantom of the opera, mask and all, the first thing I notice is his hair. It's tousled and one strand refuses to lie flat, but I think it kinda looks... cute? Next are his eyes, one is a familiar shade of hazel, the other, a striking electric blue from a color contact. Meanwhile, mesmerized I don't realize I'm making more of a fool of myself than I already have by staying in silence. When I finally do realize it, I notice the boy, who seemed to be around my age, if not a little older, seemed surprised to see me. It must a been a trick of the light, because in a fraction of a second, the surprise is gone, replaced by a calm and collected expression.

"Th-thanks for saving me from that fall. I guess..." I stutter.

"No problem, you seem like the clumsy type. Diana, am I right?" He replied, extending his hand.

Now even more flustered than before, I manage to get out a brief "How did you know that?"

"Just lucky. I guess..." He says, echoing my previous words, either mockingly or flirtatiously. Probably both.

I feel like I've met this guy before, but where? And an even bigger question, why was he possibly flirting with me??? And where the hell was Alya?

"Hey, if your looking for your friend, she's over there." He gestures at some point behind me.

I look in the general direction of where he's pointing, and, sure enough there's Alya. She's with someone else though. I have to squint to see who it is and when I do, I smile, it's Anthony. They might be only friends, but you never know, right? I'll let her have her own fun tonight. As if reading my thoughts(again), the phantom snuck up behind me and said;

"She looks like she's having fun, why don't you spend the evening with me?" Oh great. Please no.

"Why should I? I don't even know your name!" I lash out. Who knows? He might be a rapist. Then again, it's not like I know anyone else here...

"Alright fine! If you're begging for company, I'll accompany you."

"You wanted to get to know me right? We can do that over some drinks" He says motioning towards the drinks bar.

"Wait! I never said that! (At least not directly)" Too late. He's already taken a seat, looking over expectantly at me. Speed walking over, I take a seat, and open my mouth to order my drink. There's only one thing that can calm me down at parties, and it's too old fashioned for anyone to ever guess it, tall dark and (maybe) telepatic or not. Just goes to prove how wrong your assumptions can be.

I was cut off by "A white chocolate latte for me, and a cream soda for the lady." HOW?! I shoot the guy a questioning look, and ask how on earth he could have known what I had wanted.

"And I'm not taking that 'just lucky' BS either."

"I just figured a special drink for a special girl."

 Argh! He dodged my question! Again! (I'm using that word way too much aren't I{Not to mention he flirted with you again :P})

"Forget that. What's your name?"

"Just call me Phantom. And please don't pry because of your suspicions that I'm telepathic." 

*Me being lenient and letting him get away with it this time*

"So... do you have a girlfriend?"

"That's a rather strange conversation starter."

"Just want to make sure you're not cheating on anybody when you flirt with me."

"Well then, I don't have a girlfriend. I do have someone I'd like to have as a girlfriend though."

"Do you plan on telling her how you feel?" I hope I'm not being too nosy.

 Yeah... he says, blushing.

"In fact, I got her a necklace for when I do decide to tell her." Phantom pulls out a small jewelry box and opens it. I feel kind of embarrassed to be seeing something so intimate. The necklace is a black edgy chain, but with a dainty clasp. Hanging from the chain is a beautiful likeness of a shooting star, lasered into a layer of glass.

"It's gorgeous. I'm sure she'll like it!" And I really mean it. Whoever this girl is, she's a really lucky one. Not that I'm jealous or anything! Ugh, I'm such a clutz. 

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