Chapter 1: Creating A Monster

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[(A/N): Hey guys! I don't really think this is necessary since most of you already know that my stories can get a bit.... graphic. But I figured I should be safe by giving a warning.

(Warning! This Story Contains Descriptive Gore, Blood, And Possible Emotional Triggers. Please Advice Caution When Reading.)

Anywho! DarkPrince out, enjoy the story!]

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I stood in front of the stove and stirred the pasta in the pot. I hummed a tune as I cooked dinner for my father and I. After a bit longer everything was ready, so I went to fetch my father from his office. Our house wasn't all that big, but it was more then enough for two people. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a office, a living room, a kitchen, a basement and a dinning room. I walked up the stairs, to where the office was located, and came to the office door. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

Father: "Come in."

I opened the door and walked in. My father was sitting at his desk typing away at his computer, occasionally stopping to write something down.

Me: "Sorry to interrupt Dad, but dinner is ready."

He looked up from his computer and smiled.

Father: "It's alright son, you're never interrupting me. Thank you for telling me, I'll be right down."

I smiled and nodded then exited the room, closing the door behind me. I went to wash up in the bathroom before dinner. I washed my hands in the sink, afterwards I went to the dinning room and set the table. When I heard my father's footsteps coming down the stairs I prepared him a plate and then got myself one.

[Time Skip, Brought To You By Chibi BENNY Drowned Playing Video Games]

After we ate I put the dishes in the sink and began to clean them, but my Father stopped me.

Father: "I'll get them after we're done, I want to start a little early today."

Me: "Oh, okay."

I rinsed my hands off then followed my father, where he led me to the basement. We reached a metal door that seemed out of place. My father pulled a small key from his pocket and unlocked the door, opening it for me to step inside. The room was small and bare, concrete walls and floor, and a operating table with straps on it in the center of the room. To the side was a small monitor machine, for vitals and things of that nature, on it was a lab coat.

Father: "Go ahead and get ready please."

I nodded as he stepped outside and I undressed, then laid on the operating table, covering my waist with a sheet which extended to my feet.

Me: "I'm done."

My father walked back in and put on his lab coat. He then strapped me onto the table and hooked the vitals machine to me. To be honest, this was normal. He's been preforming these tests for years, even before my mother passed away. I'm not sure what the ultimate goal is for him, but I still willingly go along with it. The tests are painful, injecting something into me then inflicting immense pain to my body. Why would I let him do this to me? Because he's the only one I have left. I've been homeschooled all my life, so I don't have friends. And when my mother passed away, him and I were devastated, though I know this isn't normal, I know it's wrong, but other then this we were a loving family and he's all I had left.

Father: "I'm going to have to sedate you for this test, is that alright?"

I nodded. He pulled a small metal cart from the corner of the room, which I hadn't noticed till now, over in front of me. On the cart were few things; a syringe, a needle and some thread, a hacksaw and various other surgical tools. He picked up the syringe and went to put it into my neck but hesitated and looked at me worriedly.

Father: "Are the straps on too tight?"

I shook my head.

Me: "No they're fine."

Father: "What about the table? Is it too cold or anything?"

Me: "Dad, I'm fine. Just go ahead."

I smiled up at him to show I'm okay. He nodded and put the needle into my neck, then pressed the plunger. My eye lids got heavy and my vision became blurry. As I passed out I heard my father whisper something.

Father: "I pray that this works."

[Time Skip, A Few Hours]

I opened my eyes to see a ceiling. My body was stiff and I could only move through a lot of work. I didn't know where I was... or who I was. One thing I did know however was that I was extremely hungry. I looked around and my eyes locked on a man who had a lab coat on. I slowly and shakily went to sit up, but couldn't due to restraints on my arms and legs. I looked down to see a great number of stitches. My arms seemed to be sewn on, I could still see the skin was overlapping slightly showing it was recent. I had stitches that seemed to attach each of my fingers and sections of my forearm. My torso was an absolute mess, surgical sutures littered my chest and stomach in random areas. Right in the middle of my chest, starting between my collar bones and ending just above my stomach, was a large incision that had yet to be closed. I could see my Sternum cleanly cut in half, as if someone preformed surgery. The skin, cartilage, and bone were being pulled back by surgical tools, exposing my heart... or where my heart SHOULD be. My chest was empty, and blood had settled in the empty space. Despite the obviously fatal wounds, I didn't feel any of it, the only feeling I had was hunger. I tried to move again, but still the restraints wouldn't budge. Instead, it made a small rattling noise. The male turned around to see me moving, or trying to.

Man: "It worked... it really worked.... It worked! Here let me get you off there."

He came over to the table and undid the strap on my right arm. He started to lean over me to get to the other strap, but I felt some kind of instinct kick in. In one quick motion, I moved forward and bit down on his neck as hard as I could without another thought. I yanked my head back and ripped out his jugular vein, along with a series of tendons, nerves, and muscle fibers. The man grabbed onto his neck and stumbled back. He stared at me with wide eyes and fell backwards against the wall. I chewed the bloody mess of flesh in my mouth and swallowed. The taste was amazing, metallic with a tough texture. My body seemed to crave more as my mouth watered. I quickly undid the rest of the straps and sat up. The hunger I had seemed to grow as I thought of the taste I still had in my mouth. I stood from the table, but heard a splattering sound on the floor. I looked down to see blood dripping from the large wound on my chest.

Me: "I should probably fix this.'

With little to no care I ripped the surgical tools out and looked around the room. I spotted a curved needle and thread on a metal cart and grabbed them. I began creating a series of sutures to close the wound, from the position of the wound and the fact I had to do this myself it was rather difficult. When I finally finished the sutures were messy and not perfect, but they did the job.

Me: 'How do I even know all this? Who cares... for now...'

I looked to the body that was on the ground.

Me: 'I need to eat.'

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