Chapter 1

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(Side note:  bold  is for when she's writing her notes. Italics is for when she is thinking )            
              Brielle's notes
3:45am November 28,3016
"I remember the way you used to text me at 3am asking if I thought vampires were real. I remember how you always hated the way your hair fell on Random mornings and would never let me tell you that it looked amazing. I remember what your nicknames were for me, and how anytime anybody else called me them, you got angry. I remember the way you used to chuckle at my idiotic jokes and the way your eyes disappeared when you smiled. I remember how your voice sounds and how you used to sing random pop songs mockingly under your breath. I remember every detail of your favorite sweatshirt, I remember every second we spent laughing at nothing in the middle of the night, and I remember how much you used to hate it when I spammed your phone with 103 texts while you slept, but I did it anyway. I remember the way it felt to love you, and I remember the feeling I got in my stomach when I realized you loved me, too, but in the end, I would still want to forget your name and every stupid inside joke we had and everything in between, because the memories of you only ever make me realize that I lost you and I still don't know where things went wrong."
     He was my best friend. We did everything together all the time. Of course, it was mostly because we live literally two houses from each other but still. What ever happened to the two little kids who used to play superheroes and would fight over who got to be batman. Or when we used to have mud fights and took turns splashing in the giant mud puddles behind my house. Or making our own ice rink. The two kids who promised that no matter what happened when they grew up they would always be there for each other....God dammit Bri that's exactly what happened, you grew up. He started to be more popular and being the star of basketball. While you became a nerd who just so happened to be the star of volleyball. You guys grew apart it happens. Of course we still see each other due to mutual friends and we occasionally hang out,but it's definitely not the same.

    "Bri, do you plan on waking up anytime soon?" My aunt says shaking my bed lightly. I groan rolling over to look at my phone. 6:56 fuck! I roll out of bed going to my closet pulling out a pair of jeans and my volley ball jacket. I head into the bathroom brushing out my hair and shoving my make up into my bag. I hurriedly put on my white converse and grab my bags before heading down stairs. I kiss my little cousins goodbye before rushing out the door and running to the bus stop at the end of my road. 7:15 just in time. I get on the bus and find my way to the back where my best friend Paisley is waiting for me. "Woah you look terrible" she says laughing slightly. "I know I over slept. We have a makeup emergency when we get to school" I say laying back in the seat. "Another late night?" She asked. "As always" I say closing my eyes.
When we get to school we head straight to our bathroom. (It's ours because it's broken and no one uses it anymore and the schools to poor to fix it.) "Thank you so much Paisley! You saved my life, again" I say hugging her. "You are very welcome my dear" she says. "We better go find the guys before they worry" I laugh. We head to the cafeteria and go to our usual meeting spot in the back corner where the guys are too busy chatting about something to notice us standing there. I walk up behind Jj (Jack Johnson) leaning on his back while he talks. "Yeah so we can't tell anyone that..." he stops mid sentence when he feels my arms around him. "Can't tell anyone what" I say casually taking my seat next to him. "Nothing just guy stuff" eyebrows (gilinsky) says. "Mhmm okey" I say. "You look like trash what happened to you?" Nate asks changing topics. I stare quietly at my fingers purposely avoiding the question. "She stayed up late again and slept in" Paisley says for me. I glance up at her looking back down. "Why are you doing  that again? I thought it stopped?" Jj asks. "It? What's it?" Nate asked. Jack looks at me patting my shoulder. "It's nothing just insomnia" jack says scooting slightly closer to me. I lean my head on his shoulder tiredly.
"It"wasn't nothing and we both knew that. "It" was the reoccurring nightmares and thoughts that liked to randomly appear some nights and haunt me for days on end. They started when I was three after my dad and I got into an accident. Sometimes they got physical and I would wake up with cuts and bruises on my body that no one could explain. It was so bad to the point where I used to fight sleep. Refusing to deal with the "monsters in my head". With the Johnson's being so close to my family they knew about it, but Maggie and them vowed to never tell anyone els. For a while we had them under control. I took meds and other things to help me sleep peacefully. After a while something (I'm not sure what) happened and they came back. Now we label it as monsters whenever someone asks and they don't ask they just look at us weird but I don't mind.

    After a while the bell rang and I woke up. "If you get to bad text me" Jj says walking me to class. "I will I promise" I say before walking in to one of my least favorite classes. Being the nerd I am, most of my classes are ap meaning I take them with the seniors (like Sammy, paisley, Nate, and the Jacks) I unfortunately am technically a junior but if I get all my credits this year I get to graduate early with my friends 👏🏻. Anyways, my day consists of AP US history with Paisley, English 12, Chemistry with Sammy, opps (free period seniors have), gym with skate and the jacks, lunch, math, and theater.  It's not that I dislike my classes it's that it's boring most of the time. I like hands on things and projects. The morning went by painfully and excruciatingly slow and I was more tired then I was when the day first started. Ugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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