Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV

I apparated us out of the Ministry just as we were about to get caught.  I brought us to the forest of the Quidditch World Cup to set up the tent in a private place so we could try to figure out how to destroy the locket.  Only this forest looked funny. 

It didn't seem right.  Harry got up.

"Hermione where are- Ron!" Harry gasped. Ron was splinched.  I healed him with Essence of Dittany. He was all better after that.

"Hermione." Said Ron.  "Where are we?" 

"Honestly.  I don't know.  I thought I brought us to the forest where the Quidditch World Cup was held.  I guess I was wrong."

"Wrong? Where are we then? Are we lost?" 

"Ron I don't know.  I'm trying to figure this out."

"We'll figure it out don't worry." Said Harry. 

"But we could be 100's if not 1000's of miles where we need to be!" Said Ron. 

"Shh, be quiet." I said. I hear footsteps coming from around trees from several feet away.  I raise my wand preparing for a face to face battle with death eaters.  But death eaters are not what we get.  Instead we get a single girl, about our age, holding up and bow and arrow at us. Like the one's the centaurs used in the forbidden forest at Hogwarts. I don't want to frighten the girl so I don't move.  I don't lower my wand either.  She might be working for Voldemort.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asks.  She is very stern.  Very serious.  I don't think she will hesitate to shoot us with that tone.“Uh. I'm Hermione, This is Ron and this is Harry.” I say. Her eyes are narrow like she is trying to aim at a target.

“Are you from the Capitol?” She asks. Capitol?

“You mean London?” I ask.

“No I mean the Capitol.” She says. She softens at our confused looks. She must no longer think we are from the Capitol since we don't know what it is. “Are you from around here?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I'm, We are from England.” I say. The girl looked confused.

“Never heard of it.” She said. She lowers her bow and comes closer to us. I lower my wand thinking she might see it as a threat. “I'm Katniss Everdeen. If your sneaking around in forest I suggest you get out before the Capitol see you.”

“But your in the forest?” I say. “Won't you get in trouble too?” I ask.

“Well see I break the law everyday coming here. And poaching turkeys and deer. We have to hunt to survive. We don't exactly have enough money for food. See District 12 is very poor.”

“District 12?” We all say at once. Katniss immediately explains.

“You are in Panem. The country is divided into 12 districts. Although District 13 is still believed to exist. At least from what I heard. I haven't actually seen it myself.” She continues to talk about it when we hear footsteps behind us. Harry, Ron, and I immediately raised our wands. We were far away from home and lost but the death eaters could have still found us.

“Hey sticks are only good for kindling around here. They will not be much held otherwise. Especially as a weapon. Let me handle this.” She said. She raised her bow and arrow. But knowing the possibility of death eaters we keep our wands up. Then a young blonde girl about the same age as all of us, and a boy a couple years older than us emerge. The boy holds a gun.

A gun is a muggle weapon. They are not death eaters meaning Voldemort has not found us.

Tris's POV

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