"It's still just you." (Platonic!Hamilsquad x Reader)

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I looked at myself once more in the mirror, trying to force the easy smile I was so used to getting when I thought about hanging out with the "Hamilsquad", as Alex likes to call us.

But today wasn't just another time for us to get unreasonably loud, and still not get yelled at by the neighbors, at Herc's house. I had texted the guys the night before and said that I wanted to talk to them about something. Of course they all responded accordingly:

Lafayette asking me if everything was alright,

Alex demanding to know if Jefferson had done something, since he knew I had class with him earlier that day,

John making sure I had eaten and taken my meds that day,

and Herc telling me that he'd give me one of his big hugs tomorrow to make everything okay.

I was blessed with some of the greatest friends in the world and while I knew they were all very open-minded, I was still nervous.

You see, I'd always known I didn't fit into the typical binary of genders.

You know, male versus female.

I still haven't quite discovered a label I liked, but for now, just going as non-binary was enough for me.

And today I was going to come out for the first time....

I checked myself out in the mirror once more, glancing over my clothing, nodding once, then heading out the door.

The walk to Herc's usually didn't feel long, especially since he only lived a couple blocks away, but today it felt like an eternity.

When I did reach his house, I could hear the boys inside, being as loud as always. I involuntarily smiled, then it hit me with what I was about to do and I stopped smiling....

I knocked on the door, trying to keep my hands steady, and the door slammed open right after my hand left it.

All four of my boys were at the door, breathing heavily and smiling like idiots. I glanced behind them and noticed Herc's house was already a mess, so my guess is that they were wrestling.

The testosterone between the four of them could blind you.

John was the first to notice my tense stance, then my clothes, and he stepped back to let me in.

I walked in, hoping I was appearing normal, walking like I normally would, because my breathing was definitely not like normal. I was trying to discreetly take big breaths. I sat on the couch as the boys trickled into the room after me. Now concern was written over all their faces.

We sat in silence for a moment before Alex finally asked, "Y/N, is there something wrong?"

The rest of the boys slowly continued after him, asking me various questions about my health, about my mood, and so on. I let them talk for a minute, waiting for them to stop talking so I could start.

I began speaking quickly, trying so desperately to get all the words out so the reactions could happen and I could gage whether I had just lost my four best friends.

"I'm trying to figure out how to say this because you guys are the first people I've told, and to be honest, I don't completely understand it either, but you guys know I suck at talking."

I took a deep, steadying breath, then continued.

"I have been exploring the idea of gender and gender identity for a while, and the more I looked, the more I began to realize that I didn't quite fit into the "female" category. And then I found out about being non-binary. Like there's two genders that are considered part of the binary, girl and guy. Well non-binary is stuff like transgender or agender or genderfluid. Well I don't really understand those labels yet, so I couldn't tell you what they meant, but basically....

I'm non-binary. I don't see myself as a girl, or like just a girl. I was debating on how to tell you all this, especially since I'm considering changing my name and I wanna start being called by them/they pronouns......"

Herc slowly rose up from his seat, picked me up and sat me on his lap.

"Breathe, Y/N. We're not gonna put on a witch hunt because of what you said, and to be honest I'm afraid you're gonna hurt yourself because it doesn't seem like you're breathing."

I settled into Herc's side and tried to take deep breathes.

It was quiet for a second more, until Alex stood up.

"While I'm a little offended because it seems like you think we're gonna hate you because of this, I want you to know that I will support you completely, Y/N. Once a part of the Hamilsquad, always a part of the Hamilsquad."

John and Lafayette nodded along.

"Mon cher, we will always be here for you. Your pronouns or name will never change that," remarked Laf as he bent in front of me.

"Yeah! You're still our little Y/N, no matter what," yelled John, a huge smile gracing his face.

"Like Alex said, you're stuck with us. Once Hamilsquad, always Hamilsquad.

I could feel the heat of my cheeks rising as I began to blush. I could feel all my self-doubt melt away, at least for the moment.

Herc glanced down at me, "Hey Y/N?"

"Yeah, Herc?"

"Does this mean I can try out my new suit pattern on you?"  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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