Zzz, Sleepyhead

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      A slight brush of warmth touched Ludwig's face, ever so slightly nudging him out of his slumber. Protesting sleepily, he rolls over - and to his surprise - onto the floor.
"What the hell's g-" he yawns, interrupting himself. Familiar quiet giggling greets his newly awakened self, and Ludwig recognizes Feliciano through his sleep-haze.
"Did I surprise you?"

Feliciano laughs, extending a hand to help him up. Ludwig fakes a growl, smacking at Feli's attempt at an apology. "Not at all, jackass."
He grimaces, standing up from the hard wooden ground. "Although the floor did." He rubs his head, then his stomach.
"D'you have any idea what time it is? I'm starving."
Feliciano gasps, jumping up from the loose blanket pile he'd turned the bed into. "Oh! I was making lunch a bit ago, we can have breakfast first though, o-only if you want!" he stutters, confusing himself halfway through.
Ludwig laughs and pats Feliciano's head, scrunching his hand into his hair to mess it up despite his squeals of protest. "Whatever you want, you're the cook."
Feliciano gives him a halfhearted dirty glare, patting down his poor 'do.
"Alright, I'll combine the two! I made your favorites, we can eat breakfast and lunch at the same time!" Ludwig grimaces.

"Like Alfred calls it, 'brunch'?"

They exchange pained looks, and burst into laughter. "Exactly!" cries Feliciano. Ludwig hoots in amusement, making both of them laugh even harder. Their tacky flatmate was famed for his terrible system of naming things. Ludwig lets himself fall backwards onto the mattress, enjoying the happy flush he gets after spending any time with this adorable italian. Feliciano wheezes, rolling himself over to get back up. "Imma go get the table ready, come down when you're hungry!" He waves his hand in farewell, and walks out the door. His footsteps echo, and Ludwig contentedly listens to his little feet tap-tapping all the way down the staircase.

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