wile pinkie and twilight walk into the school coridors pinkie spoked
pinkie: ''twilight I think all the teachers live here''
twilight:''why would they live here''
principal celestia:''vice principal luna lives here''
pinkie:''well told ya so''
twilight:''ok.....pinkie......well wat about vice principal luna shes been acting verrry strange shes like a ninja or something''
pinkie:''your right mybe she is''
chapter #2
pinkie new something that there is something weird is going on now they spoken.......
pinkie:twilight somethings weird going on
twilight:what it is I-...... oh look principal celestia orderd something
pinkie:thats what I'm talking about that weird package
twilight:what? do you mean "wierd"
pinkie:I mean mybe something VERRY important is in there
twilight:oh come on pinkie lets just go
celestia:hey! this not wat I orderd
drlivery guy:yes it is wat you orderd
pinkie and twilight:!!!
twilight:did yu hear that?
celestia:oh well then.......... =_=
pinkie:I got it!! *axidentally hit twilight* oops 0_0
twilight:ahhhhhhh *falls down stairs and thinks that fall into the delivery with 1000 knifes* ahhhhhhhh 0_0
pinkie:twilight? oh twilight I though u fall into the knifes
twilight: *shiversssss*
it was then the attaks off the........ zombies!
pinkie:twilight get yourself a wepon were gonna attak this zombies
twilight....ok....... 0_0
pinkie and twilight: 0.0 !!!!!!!!!
other student guy:hellllp dont leave me allone ahhhhhhhhhh
celestia:what the....zombies?
owner of the school "discord":CELESTIA! WHAT IS THIS????!!!?!?!?
celestia:oh mr. discord umm welll....err.... ! this is a play umm part off the act yess its part off the act...that.....were doing...right now. :D *nervious*
mr.discord:oh! great! it looks realistic! carry on now!
twilight and pinkie:*chop, slice.zing*! we did it oh look its mr. discord
mr.discord:oh hello there children nice act your doing so realistic
pinkie:why thank u mr.....wait act?
celestia: yes it is an ACT that we PRACTICE '-'
pinkie:well twilight the 4 secret is YOU!
Twilight:what I dont understand?
celestia:congratulation ^_^
luna:*jumps in with ninja clothes and claps* ^_^
mr.discord, pinkie, celestia, luna:*CLAPS* ^_^
twilight:wow thanks guys ^_^..............0.0 *got squished by the car off....*
cadence:oh did we made it or we missed it I wanna congratulate twilight?
shining armor:twili? where is she mybey were too late
twilight: bsgrnduuskqmdhuwnwhsuekwmsjsubdnd!!!!!!
cadence and shining armor: o.o twili?
pinkie: I think twili is waking up o3o
shining armor:sis?
shining armor:we are at the hospital sis
cadence:the doctor said that she will be fine in a few......
doctor hooves:days, she will be fine in a few days
cadence:I'm sorry twilight for bumping you on my car
Shining armor:yeah sorry abt it
twilight:I-its o-ok guys
everyone:............ok then
derpy:thanks for watching i mean reading ^_^ lol sowwy abt the chapter 6 thing it was only until chapter 5
everyone:oh derpy
derpy:wheres ma muffins?
pinkie:*burrrrpp!!!!!!!* oops
everyone:s-sorry derpy....
equestria secret
Fantasywell I hope ya guys enjoyed it its a fantasy and action story