Nalu Oneshot

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It was a particularly calm night in a random forest. The nocturnal animals rustling bushes and stepping on twigs. Darkness comfortably rested between the thousands of tall trees, except for the campfire in a small clearing.

Just like always, a group of four mages and their exceed had set up a campsite to rest. They had just finished a job, not necessarily a hard one but time consuming, and had settled down to sleep before the long journey home.

Not so subtle snores could be heard along with the occasional shifting of sleeping bags. The small fire crackled producing light and warmth for those surrounding it. One such person was Lucy Heartfillia. Her long blonde hair parted on her side, either falling down her back or slightly covering her face. She had slowly been pulled from sleep and immediately heard voices whispering behind her.


She recognized it to be none other than the blue exceed appropriately named, Happy. However, right now he sounded more annoyed than anything.

"Happy? Why are you awake?"

The second voice was Natsu Dragneel. He seemed more alert and awake then he should be. It was nearly pitch black except for the countless stars that littered the sky.

"I could ask you the same thing." When there was no response, Happy continued. "Natsu~ can't you just sleep."

"Not really, I can't explain it well but I feel like something might happen if I do. What if the protective lacrima Erza activated is found and turned off?"

"You mean the one shoved in the trunk of a tree and covered with a big bush covered in thorns?" The animal, smartly replied. His response was merely a grumble the came from the pink haired mage. "Everyone will be fine, Natsu. Even if something does happen, we're all more than capable of handling ourselves."

Lucy smiled at the way Happy fondly spoke of his friends, including herself.

"And Lucy has me to keep her safe."

Damn cat.

She heard the ruffling of fur and could only assume Natsu was petting him. He didn't chuckle like he usually would when they teased the celestial mage that laid beside him. Her back was to him so he didn't see her raised eyebrow.

"Natsu~, I'm tired and we have a long trek back home."

"You can sleep, I ain't gonna stop ya."

Fabric shifted as he shrugged his shoulders.

"But what about you?" Happy asked, actually concerned for the boy affectionately petting his head.

"No need to worry about me, I'm fine."

Lucy could practically hear the goofy grin he always had.

"Why are you awake in the first place?"

"Not sure."

Instinctively, Lucy slightly rolled to angle herself more towards her two closest comrades. Natsu noticed the moving sleeping bag with his superb hearing and turned his head to stare at her. Her face still kept from view.

"You lllllllllike her." Happy cooed.

A blush rose on both boy and girl in question.

"N-no I don't. What brought that on?"

"We always visit her at her house because you like her cooking."

"So do you."

"And you always insist she goes with us on every job."

"We're partners, you should too."

"You always want to make sure she's safe." He gasped dramatically, "Is that why you're staying up? To keep Lushy safe?"

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