chapter 1:

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(Rachel's outfit can be seen above)

*Beast Boy’s P.O.V.*

        I and the fellow titans have recently enrolled in college in hopes to find another member of the team, we are looking for someone who can fly, possibly have super strength, and maybe a couple other powers if we are lucky. We have been here for a month though and so far the only thing that has caught my eye is a goth girl who stands about about 5”11” with deep purple hair. I have seen her only in my music and art class, for some reason when class is dismissed she just disappears. From what I understand her name is Rachel, she is very talented, and smart but my sense of smell tells me she is hiding something dark within her.

        “I'm telling you guys I think we should try talking to this Rachel girl, I can smell that there is something different about her” I exclaimed before taking a bite of my tofu dog.
“Perhaps friend beastboy is right” Starfire giggled as she munched on a cookie.
“I think beastboy is looking to hook up, he must like his women both older and smarter than him” cyborg joked making me give him the stink eye. Before I could think of a comeback something or more like someone behind him caught my eye. It was Rachel, today she was dressed in a galaxy printed skater girl skirt and a tight black crop top that read “Cute and going to hell”, it stopped a few inches below her full bust. To accent her outfit she was wearing fishnets, white combat boots, purple lipstick, and a black septum ring. Hanging from her navel was a pentagram belly ring, she looked beautiful today like she does everyday but this is the first time I have actually saw her outside of class.
“There she is! I will be right back!!” I hollered to them as I took off after her. I gotta get to know this girl.

        Following her at a safe distance I watched her carefully as she kept checking her surrounds as she walked, was she suffering from paranoia or just want to make sure she was alone? After a very small amount of time I realized the distance between us is getting large so as we headed off campus I turned into a bird and followed her from above. Hopefully she doesn't notice a green crow tagging along… cutting through a line of woods she the proceeded to cross the road into the graveyard. Wow she really does have a dark side, for some reason I was still attracted to her though and wanted to know more. Turning into human form again I entered the graveyard behind her, trying to make the least amount of noise possible while doing so.

        She walked through the tombstones with her ring covered fingers outstretched just caressing the tops of them, she was heading to a small mausoleum right in the middle of all the graves. With every step I could hear her humming a unfamiliar song. The front of the mausoleum, above the doorway was inscribed “Roth” in old English type of font, I wonder if someone important to her is buried in there? Hiding behind a tombstone I watched as her dainty fingers traced the details that were carved into the stone.
“Hello mom” I heard her whisper, my animal hearing had picked it up. She turned her back to the stone wall before sliding down its surface onto the ground and tossing her bag next to her.

        I watched as she pulled out a black sketch book, some charcoal pencils, and an apple. Flipping it open she began looking around at her surroundings for inspiration at that exact time a raven happened to land on one of the headstones making her smirk. I sat in silence for quite sometime time just watching her look back and forth between her sketch book and her muse. As her pencil captured the living organism on paper she bit her plump bottom lip in silence, every now and again she would stop to mouth some lyrics or actually sing a verse. Her singing voice was like one of a siren, irresistible and smooth as silk.

        After sometime my body began to cramp up so I waited for her to pause to eat her apple before standing up making her muse fly away. “Oh my gosh I am so sorry” I chuckled nervously before scratching the back of my neck. She looked at me in shock but her expression soon changed to something similar to a scowl but way cuter in a sort of creepy way.
“Thanks for scaring my muse away… what are you doing here?” she said before getting up, apple still in hand.
“i umm… I wanted to talk to you. I have for quite some time now but everytime I try to catch you after class you'd disappear” I explained as I started to walk towards her.
“So you decided to follow me?” She scoffed.
“I know it sounds creepy but…” I went to further speak about my purpose but unfortunately I tripped on my shoe laces.

Spiraling head first into a tombstone, i felt it connect with my forehead before everything went black… 

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