How did we meet?

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It was a dark night. I was as usual having trouble with my life. I had just found out that I had miscarried a child. I was going down hill and fast.

I was thinking about suicide. And if he would have waited any longer than a week... I'd be dead right now.

I was listening to a song on youtube when I was contemplating writing a suicide letter. I put a post on youtube explaining the shit that was going on around me.

I wrote a letter to my parents... who are entire walking shit piles. And I had mixed bleach and windex and gotten a handful of sleeping pills.

I was listening to the same song on youtube a week later and went to restart it because I wanted to die while listening to my favorite song by the coolest band ever. Just as I had went to restart it.... my phone went off.

I looked down at the comments and saw that Talon... who is now my boyfriend of one month and nineteen days.... had replied to my post.

We talked for a while like that on there. Then we swapped emails. After that we escalated to swapping phone numbers.

Now..... we are engaged to get married. This is just how we met. There is so much more to our story. Maybe I'll tell.........

    .............Maybe I won't...........

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