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Chloe and Paige were wondering how Kendal knew about this! They wondered if she had seen the man taking her.

Chloe thought that they should call Kendal but then Paige reminded her that he had disconnected the phone line

Chloe had the idea of going to Paige's house and use Brooke's phone

But Paige said they couldn't because Brooke was at dance practice and Paige's mom and dad were out doing something's with Chloe's mom and dad

Oh that's sucks Chloe said to Paige

Paige and Chloe heard Maddie scream

Then they heard a gun shot

It was silence

Omg Paige said then they ran down to the door and went out and looked

It was now 9 at night

Chloe and Paige were scared running in the dark but they had to find Maddie

Then they came across something it was a wanted poster

Maddie Ziegler wanted

Omg Chloe shouted

Omg Paige shouted

What could she be wanted for

Then Paige and Chloe kept running

Then they came across another poster

Maddie Ziegler missing

They were both really confused how can you be missing and wanted at the same time?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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