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               Greeting, my name is Η κόρη του Ολύμπου, which means the daughter of Olympus in Greek. I am an incarnation of the Greek gods and goddesses. For some reason, I ended up being part cat, I think they call that Neko, I don't know. I also have wings, the ability to imagine things up, and everything in between.  I was sent to earth from Olympus in the form of a winged cat, but figured out that I can transfer at my will. I spent all my life on the streets as a cat or a freak(Hey, that rhymes!), but all of that changed a couple of days before Christmas.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, but this is only the introduction, trust me, It will get better soon, I promise!

WUV, DOODLE! (awesome nickname for an awesome persiano!)

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