Meeting you.

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(Authors note: the song yuuri is skating to is above)

(Yuuri Prov.)

"Hey yuuri, we are closed but since your a friend you can skate as long as you want" yuko says with a smile on her face.

"Thanks yuko" i say walking to the locker room with my skates. When i finish tieing my skates i head out to the rink, there was no one else there just how i like it quiet i do some warm ups before i start a program that i made and choreographed myself it was called lovers paradise, it was originally meant for two people but i like to work alone, mostly because i have horrible stage fright and always mess up infront of people, thats the number one reason i dont compete.

I start the program off slow, moveing with the music. I get to the first jump which is a spread eagle that turns into a quadruple axel, a move i made myself, i land it with ease, im so caught up in the program i dont even notice the doors open from the locker rooms.

(Viktor prov.)

Im Viktor Nikiforov im 16 and just moved to japan from russia, i heard about there being a ice skating rink in the small town we moved to so i decided to check it out.

"Um...hello sir sorry we are closed" a young girl that looked to be around fourteen said as i walked up to the front counter " oh thats to bad i just wanted to check this place out would it be alright if i just skated for a little bit?" I asked in a sweet but sexy tone, she seemed a bit nervous constantly looking back at the big window that showed the ice rink, there was someone already skating in there, he seemed around her age mabey a little older fifthteen mabey, he was skating around the rink like he was doing warm ups but thats not what caught my eye, it was when he actaully started a program that i started to get intrested he played some music that sound smooth and but sad his movements told a story behind them and he moved beautifully, what amazed me was his jumps all of them flawless and ones i have never seeb before most likely ones he made.

I ignored the girls protests as a strapped on my skates and quietly went into the rink staying to the side as i watched the boy do his program, it looked like it was meant for two people to skate to odd that he chooses to do it alone. When it seems the boy is about halfway through his program i start to skate to the music aswell perfectly cordinated with what he was doing, it was going well until i skated up next to him and smiled at him while we both still danced to the music, but the second he saw me the unexpected happened, his eyes widened and he fell flat on his bottom, i stopped and tried to help him up but he looked terrified of me and scooted away.

"Why are you scared? Im sorry if i suprized you" i say with a bit of concernin my voice ive never had someone react like that to me before so i didnt know what to do. He just stayed quiet as he got off the ice... he didnt even stand up he literally crawled on his hands and knees off the ice! once off he git up and hurried to the locker rooms i followed soon after.

The second i step foot into the locker rooms the girl is right in my face yelling at me at how horrible a person i am for just barging in like that and multiple other things before the boy snaps at her. "Yuko!" He snaps, she immediately shuts up and looks at him With sympathetic eyes, odd i wonder why simpathy for him.

"But yuuri he just barged in there univited" she sayed with a soft but somewhat winey voice.

"Its fine yuko, he just wanted to skate there is no big deal in that, plus i have to get home anyways or you know who will get mad again" the boy who's name i now know as yuuri says, he has a slight hint of fear in his voice when he says 'you know who will get mad again' i wonder who he is referring to.

"Yuuri...." yuko sounded sad for the boy as he started to unlace his skates.

"And dont you dare ban him from skating here you got that yuko" yurri says as he points at me, "now get out i have to change" he finishes, pushing yuko out of the locker room.

"Hey im sorry for scaring you like that, i just couldn't help myself you skated so beautifully" i say apolojetically, he just shruggs it off and takes his last skate off, the  starts the take his shirt off "um...c..could you not stare at me while im getting dressed" he says with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks, all i could think of when i turned around was 'cute!'

Once he was done getting dressed he lwft the locker rooms. I quickly took off my skates and walked out aswell a little while later seeing the girl that's name was Yuko have tears in her eyes as she watches yuuri gently smile at her and walk out the door.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" I asked softly, "is it something with that boy?"

"Ya, but its nothing of your concern" she says wipeing her eyes, i wonder what happened did he dump her Or was it something else?

Hey yall this is the author! So if you made it this far through the story im assuming i got you hooked if not then keep reading anyways im planning on it escalating in each chapter! Also sorry but ill try to get as many updates as possible but im really slow at that so.... hope you like the story so far!

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