Truth of love

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Rose was excited to regal academy so rose decided to sleep on Cinderella castle so that she would not be late for school
So rose told to her grany. Grany can you tell to mom and dad that in gonna sleep at Cinderella castle grany told to
Rose of course why not but just this time OK rose reply thanks grany

                                                                  Time skip to morning

Hawk  was walking into circle at the courtyard trying to think that how he conference his love to rose. Hawk told to his self well I almost tell to her about my feelings but she was busy collecting her fairy tale collection but I want to try talking to headmistress Cinderella when I see the head mistress I saw her talking to rose I almost froze luck that the door was open but his grandmother snow white saw him and pull him away to the door. His grandmother snow white reply are you have a crush on rose hawk smirk no be sides she is super energetic rose cough and I was not energetic huh....... Oh hi rose hawk reply nervously  l can behave you now you just don't now about me yet  snow white reply  rose can you go to cinderella' s office pls. And you to hawk

                                                                      Time skip to Cinderella 's office

They both sit down and hawk was wondering that was rose mad at me rose is quite and angry and up set hawk I want you to ask my question do you have a crush on rose hawk was surprise that how did headmistress now that hawk reply uh......... Yeye I mean nnn the truth is i hade acrush on her rose is shook you to rose have you have a feelings in hawk
Yes I already told you grany.  Cinderella giggle  now. I am just gonna leave you to hear OK  you have feeling to me!!!
They both say the same words hawk have a ring box on his hand then he told rose,rose I want to tell you some thing I want to tell you this for the long time but hear it goes will you be my girl friend rosely yes I will then hawk put the ring on rose hand rose, then rose kiss hawk

                            Time skip to class

All the teacher s have a meeting and tell then the good news about rose and hawk are engage to be girl friend and boy friend and all the teacher are happy for theme and even snow white

                    Skip time to lunch

Every girl is is looking at rose and while there angry and Ruby walk closer to rose while she have water on her hand. Ruby told to rose you little miss elegant here is for you Ruby put the water on rose head and rose go to the bath room sooking  wet  Cinderella see everything ,  Cinderella was angry and Cinderella told to Ruby, Ruby why on earth you do that go to my office right now because I'm gonna hurt your grades Vicky was angry at Ruby
        Time skip to rose

Rose was crying and gigi was trying to say something rose look at gigi rose said to gigi what gigi there s a tree chart at the canteen so rose quickly run to the canteen hawk saw rose trying to see something her grany said to her what are doing rose reply ohhhhh nothing rose shook that she see the tree chart of the Cinderella  and the snow white she saw her mother and father rose mother is a Cinderella and her father was a snow white grany  what is that Cinderella was thinking how do I tell her that she was the princess of the school  grany Cinderella reply that's nothing rose , rose was furiously angry replying to her grany what is that grany I want you to tell me what is that and why my mom and dad are there  Cinderella nervous replying OK rrrossse they are the most powerfun students and they have a mission to keep the next queen of this school  rose reply me a princess rose hear a familiar voice it's like her mom and dad s voice rose reply to her mom why are you not telling the truth mom that I was a princess of this school  her mom reply because we want you to now it to your self rose has felling happy because she was be living in the fairy tail world after all she was screaming with joy so that means  I have a castle by my own her mom reply yes rose but first I m gonna give you a this amulet to see your fairy godmother name crystal and if you need help a princess will come to you and give  the strongest power no one will gonna touch it because it only work with you only and the Disney  princess keep coming to rose and giving lots of the source of evil and good power but she can control to the power

Hi so I quality wrote a longer story at one day so it quality bust up my typing skills  like a lot I wrote a lot of images of regal academy like a lot there s a next chapter of this but I'm still working on it

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