Truth or dear

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It all started wile playing a game of truth or dare with all the teens in the neighborhood .then it was it was Paige's turn.Paige has all ways hated me since I move in ,I really don't no why I have all ways been nice to her .then Paige started to say my name....... I new that was not good then she said it Asland truth or dare .I paused then The words that came out of me mouth. I just could not stop them I said very loud .

". "


I thought to my self why did I say that she stared to speak I dare you to ..........

Then I took a big breath of air Finley she said the thinkable I dare you to have sex with kohlton ....... kohlton smiled she new that he had liked me since I moved it it's not a bad thing he is really cute but I never did any thing like that I'm only 14 and he was 17 I thought to my self this is rape but I did not say any neither did any one Else it was dead silent then Paige Brock the silence by pointing me to her brothers bed room the he shouted out not in mine why not yours she said no way he didn't say any thing Paige shut the door it got silent again the I herd Paige say looks like she's chicken I turned around to find kohlton getting naked he to told me to I felt so weird I keeped

Hearing Paige laugh so I started to get undressed kohlton asked if I have ever done this I said NO loudly the ok I have to be In control I said what ever I really did not no what to say do or thing he laid me on the bed I felt a sharp pain I wanted to cry but I didn't soon I mean very soon he Grunted very loud and got up I still did not no what to think so I told Paige I had to got home my mom texted me he said by hurt fully I left when I got in my house I tryed To go straight to my room but my mom stopped me she asked me if I had fun I said no the I ran to my room ten minute later my mom knock on my door she I acted like I was asleep so she would go away Finley she did for some reason I started to cry and cried my self to sleep next morning i had school this was my first year in high school when I got to school a lot of things where different people actually noticed me then out of the blue Riley the most popular girl in 9 grade started talking to me I was just shocked she acted like she was my best friend it was kind if awesome but I did not know why she was talking to me then I had a lightbulb. Kohlton must of told I was very mad but some how have sex for like 4 minutes made you very popular I had seniors ask me out on a date I was happy but disappointed I had to leave my old life behind my friends what I where and how I act Riley gave me a total makeover and I loved it for a while


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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