Going out of the world

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Everything started with the family of Bailey and Lea changing to another country. They were a big family, made by the mother, the father and the three children: Bailey,with fifteen years-old, Lea, with seventeen years-old and Mia with eight years-old. They used to live in Australia, with a perfect life until the day that the father was fired from his job and there everything changed.
He did not get any job in the city  and the only chance was to move to other country in the other side of the world to have a life as they used to have.

In the beginning no one wanted to move but then they understood what was going on and it was ok for all the family. Like that, they start to organize everything for the big trip. The father bought a house in Portugal, with the company of the planes everything was ok, so everything was in the right way. Until the big day. 
5:30- They let the house and with an uber they went to the airport
6:15- already in the airport, the check-in was done
6:45-  need to wait until 7:30
7:30- plane already in the air
After get in in the plane they needed to stay there 10 hours until arrive in Portugal and that was what really happens.

I'm sorry if my english it's not right but my main language it's not English and I'm still learning so sorry...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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