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My name is Tymera. I'm sixteen. I live in an elven kingdom called Oathona. My father is the king. Being the firstborn child, he named me the heir to the throne.

I check my pocket watch. 6:16 AM. I need to get downstairs to breakfast soon or my father will throw a fit. After pulling back my long blonde hair into a ponytail, I race downstairs, and take my seat at the table, across from my younger brother, Fenwick.

"Late again, Tymera?" asked Father, unamused. He has a slight scowl on his face.

"Sorry, Father. I was busy," I sigh.

"That's no excuse. How are you going to take care of Oathona if you can't even get downstairs in time?" asked Father. He shakes his head and continues eating. The servants put food in front of me, too, and I dig in.

I swallow so much as a bite, before I hear my father give a loud shriek. Startled, I look over.
He is clenching his throat, his face as pale as paper. His eyes are bloodshot. I watch in complete horror as he falls to the ground. His crown falls to the ground next to him with a thud.

"Father? Father!" I cry. I run over to him and check his pulse. Nothing. I feel the tears building up, clouding my vision.

"Daddy...," I whimper.
The tears fall into his silent, lifeless chest. I hear a chorus of 'Long live the king,' but I barely pay attention. First my mother was gone. Now I've lost my father too. Is there anything sane in this world? I hear somebody walking toward me, but I don't want the pity.
I run back to my room and close the door so nobody can hear me sob.

I eventually cry myself to sleep. I dream that my father is a giant, and I'm tiny. My brother is even smaller than me. Then the same scene at the table plays out. His crown rolls to my feet. I pick it up, holding it to my chest.

I shoot awake to the sound of my door opening. I see one of the servants, Susanna walk in. She opens the curtains, letting in blinding light. I wish she would close the curtains back up; I would rather mope in the dark where nobody can see me.

"The doctors checked your father. He's dead. He died from poisoning. They say it was slipped into his drink by an assassin. The funeral's in a few hours," said the servant. She sits on my bed, stroking my hair.

"I know how you feel. I was in your shoes once. The pain will go away. I promise," said Susanna. I don't look at her. I look down at my feet. "The coronation ceremony is tonight-"

"I don't want the throne," I say, almost snapping. She doesn't talk for a few minutes, in shock.

"But you have to take it! You're the heir!" said Susanna.

"I don't care! Let my brother have the throne, I don't want it!" I snap again.

"I know you're in grief. I'll see if they will postpone the ceremony until you're feeling better," said Susanna. She leaves the room. I guess she just doesn't want to be snapped at anymore. I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. What has my life turned into?

That evening is like a replaying movie. Everything goes normally. I feel like an actor, going through the motions. I don't feel like myself. I sit at the dinner table, slowly nibbling on my food. I notice my fathers crown on the table where he would sit. Fenwick starts talking.

"Susanna said I could have the throne since you didn't want it. Is that true?" asked Fenwick.

"We'll see," I mumble. I really don't feel like eating right now, let alone talk. Seeing that I don't have an appetite, I look around at what the servants are doing. I feel our cat, Nibbles, rub against my feet. I guess he feels my sorrow. As a wood elf, I can understand his tongue.

"What's the commotion?" asked Nibbles.

"Father is dead." I can barely bring myself to say this. I feel a tear run down my face. Nibbles jumps into my lap.

"I'm sorry," said Nibbles. I notice his ears get all droopy. We sit for a few minutes, comforting each other. Then Nibbles shouts
'Mouse!', and runs off. I notice a messanger walk over to me.

"Your Highnesses, the coronation ceremony has been postponed for tomorrow evening," said the messenger. He walks away before I can ask questions. Not that I have any. I push my plate away. Fenwick gets up.

"Where are you going?" I mumble.

"To Father's funeral. Aren't you coming?" asked Fenwick.

"Oh," I say. I walk after him to the courtyard, where I see a coffin placed on an altar. Hundreds of people are gathered here. Me and Fenwick walk up to the front. We stand in front of the coffin, holding hands. Even though Fenwick is a year younger than me, he acts like an older brother. The priest gives a few final words.

"On this mournful day, we are gathered to witness the death of and say our final farewells to King Pyrus the first. May we meet again in Utopia!" said the priest, raising a torch. He lights the coffin on fire.
When I was little, I used to think the smoke from the fire was the spirit of the deceased departing to Utopia. But I want my father to be here. I feel myself start to cry.

"Your Highnesses, would you like to say anything more?" asked the priest. Of course, all eyes fall on me. I'm used to this; People have looked at me like this all my life. But this time, I want to yell. I want to scream at everyone to look at someone else. Fenwick steps up. He clears his throat.

"My father was an honorable man. He always knew just what to do in every situation. He was a much better king and father than I could have hoped for. Even when Queen Avina died, he taught both me and Tymera to be strong. I bid my final farewell to my king, and father," said Fenwick.
He sadly walks down and resumes his place next to me. I hear a chorus start singing the saddest song I have ever heard. I walk out of the courtyard, and back inside the castle.

The next day is incredibly busy. While I'm eating breakfast, a few men come to speak to me about my father's death, and what I will do as the new queen. I eventually retreat to my room for quiet. Nibbles comes in.

"Why aren't you downstairs talking to the guests?" asked Nibbles.

"Reasons," I say, blankly. He jumps onto my bed, and curls up next to me.

"I don't want you to give up the throne to Fenwick. I think you'd make a much better ruler," said Nibbles, licking his paw.

"You think so?" I ask.

"Of course," said Nibbles.

"I'll think about it," I say. I hear Nibbles start to snore. I just stare at the ceiling, and think.

Is Fenwick capable of ruling the kingdom? As heir, I was trained to rule, but Fenwick wasn't. It would be so easy to just skip the ceremony. They would be forced to find Fenwick at the last minute, and make him king. But could I do that to so many people? People that count on me? People that need me?

For hours, I lay back, thinking over the problem, over and over. I make a decision just to think about it again and change it.

By the evening, I'm completely exhausted from thinking so much. I hear a commotion downstairs in the throne room, so I change into my fanciest dress and go down. I meet Fenwick in front of the throne room door. He looks at me as if asking: so, whose it going to be? Me or you?

We both walk in, sweating from the stress. Everybody looks at us.

"Will the heir of Oathona please step up!" commanded the bishop. Fenwick looks at me. I can tell he doesn't want the throne just as badly as I don't.

"Well?" asked the bishop. My heart beating fast, I finally make my decision.

And I step up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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