My Own Little World

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***heyy guys this is the first ever story that I am attempting to write.  so please don't judge it too much.  It's kinda important to me, actually it's really important to me.  please support.***

Chapter one:  My Own Little World

It's exactly one week before my senior year starts and to be honest I'm freaking out.  It's not the classes that I'm freaking out about, it's the people, but more specifically it's talking to those people. 

I look into the mirror on my dresser in my tiny room and say "I can do this, you've made it this far now all you've got left is one more year." 

But in my mind my reflection is telling me "you're crazy, no one even likes you, I mean c'mon you don't even talk!"

And that is when I break down crying.  Yes, I admit I have a total meltdown because I can't be who I wanna be. I feel like I'm stuck in my own little world and I don't want to be there because it's not a happy place.

All of a sudden, my phone starts buzzing. I look at the caller id and see that it is my best friend calling, I mean who else is it gonna be I only have one friend.  I get myself together and answer the phone.

"Hey Kylie, what's up?" she asks me.

"Not much, Mandy.  Did you need something?"  I ask.

"umm yeah so there's this party tomorrow night-"

"Stop, you know I don't like social events especially parties!  I'm not going and that's final."  I cut her off midsentence.

"Wait!  Just hear me out please, there's this guy-"

"Of course there is."  I cut her off again.

"Shutup and listen please!  He's so hot and I think I'm in love with him.  Please go to the party, he's gonna be there and I need you with me, we are bff are we not?"  she begs me.

"Oh c'mon, Mandy, do you even know anything about him? Do you even know his name?"  I ask as I start laughing out loud.  Mandy is a great person but everyone knows that she falls in and out of love so easily.

"Of course I know his name stupid, it's Kyle Green.  Now we need to go shopping for our outfits tomorrow."

"Woah, woah, woah!  I never agreed to go with you." I say.

"Oh, please pretty please with a cherry on top?  please, oh please say yes!"  she goes on and on. 

"I don't know M, I really hate parties.  But if you really need me there then I guess I'll go."  I reluctantly say.

"EEEEEEEEK, thank you, thank you so much!  I love you! Gotta go, by Ky!"  Mandy says to me or more like screams to me.

"Bye M."  is my only response.

***Sorry this is so short!  but I just think that this is a good place to stop.  thanks for reading guys! I will try to get the next part up ASAP! love ya! ♥***

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