Hang out

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On UT sans and pap's house

UT pap

"I'm so bored.sans is working and me I have nothing to do" suddenly I had a idea I grabbed my phone "YHEHEHEHEHE this is a great idea" I called some of the AU's."hey bro i'm back"send said "I got some Ic-" before he could say ice-cream he looked it the living room to see GT,UF,FT,OT and Error


GT Sans:hey there sans
GT Pap:hi

UF Sans:hi *gives him a evil smile*
UF Pap:hi pic- *Gaster Sans shut his mouth before he said pice of shit*

OT Sans:yo
OT Pap:h-hi s-Sans

Error:hey there cutie pie


"Error i'm not a cutie pie" I waked in and throw the ice-cream in the trashcan "so who want's a ice-cream" I asked all of them said ok then we walked to the nice-cream guy when we finally got there we all bay a ice-cream.

OT Sans:can I have a blue ice-cream *look's it Sans and smiles"
OT Pap:I will have the orange one

GT Sans:I will also have the blue one *smiles it sans*
GT Pap:can I plz have the orange one

UF Pap:I will like the orange on *smiles it UT Pap*
UF Sans: I want the blue on *smiles it Sans too*

FT Sans:YO I WILL THE THW BLUE ONE BRAH *look's it Sans and smiles*
FT Pap:ya I will gat the orange on bro *gives UT Pap a smile*

Error:I will really like a blue one *look's it Sans*

Me and pap got The rainbow one we loved different flavour I was wondering why did the sans's choose the blue one and the pap's orange one. I licked the ice-cream then I show all the sans blushing like hell.i looked it Pap and the other pap the other pap's were blushing like hell and they were looking it Pap now I was so confused.

The first chp is finished
Did you like it or not I really want to know if you hate I don't care if you like thx you
I hate my life and thx you for reading

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