Wedding Day

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Today is the day you never thought possible in a million years. Today is the day you marry the man of your dreams. Today is the day you marry David Tennant.

As you stand behind the huge wooden doors that open into the sanctuary, waiting for your cue, your dad by your side, you imagine the day you met David a year ago. You were walking in downtown Cardiff on your way to work at the hair salon when he ran into you, knocking you down. He reaced down to help you up, and you guess you could say it was love at first sight.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the organ playing. You take a deep breath as your little brothers open the doors, and step into the sanctuary. The heads of yours and David's friends and families all turn toward you, gasping as they see you in your dress. You ignore them, eyes locked on David as he turns toward you, eyes wide, as if to say "Oh my God you're beautiful."

You make it to the front row, and your dad kisses your forehead and hands you to David. He leads you to the alter and you face each other, eyes locked and oblivious that the minister had already begun.

Destasia, do you hereby take David as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold?" asked the minister.

"I do." you say, slipping the ring onto David's finger.

"and David, do you hereby take Destasia as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold?" the minister repeated.

David looked straight into your eyes as he placed the ring on your finger, "I do."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife."

You place your hands on his shoulders and pull him in, his lips slamming into yours, you never want this to end. Your friends and family cheer and snap photos, capturing the moment forever.

To your disliking, he pulls away, but leans in to whisper intimately in your ear, "Save it for later, my love." You nod and tak his arm turning back down the aisle. You walk out the big wooden doors, where people are lined up to see you off into the night in a horse drawn carriage and as you drive away, you wave back at your friends and family.

Once they're out of sight, you turn to David, who is s staring up into the stars. He notices he has your attention and pulls yoy into him. You lie your head on his chest, listening to his heart, thinking how you're the luckiest woman alive.

As the carriage pulls up in front of the flat where you and David live, he grabs your hand and helps you down, almost immediately following by picking you up in his arms, and carrying you upstairs.

Mrs. TennantWhere stories live. Discover now