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"Oh my god, you told Yu to film it!?" Minako wailed at my and I braced myself as I leaned over my bowl of ramen.

"I didn't think her kids would upload it" I attempted meekly as I tried to look round her at the TV. Yuri was currently in his room, sleeping his troubles away after it was revealed the video I made Yu take went viral. She sighed in annoyance and left me to it, I watched as snow swirled around outside my window. The town currently over taken by a cold snap meant there was snow everywhere. I smiled as I slurped up another mouth full off noodles; enjoying the warmth on my day off from the cafe I worked in. The door burst open and Yuri suddenly ran in.

"Yuri?" I frowned, almost dropping hot food all over myself in shock as I sucked up more, I wish I hadn't as I almost choked on my noodles as Victor Nikiforov walked through the door after him. I coughed violently as the food burned my throat and noodled got stuck in my lungs "holy shit"

"Haru" Yuri sighed at my swearing.

"Sorry, holy poop" I corrected with an eye roll "the fuck is going on?" I asked, putting down my bowl on the table in front of me as Victor sat down opposite me, Yuri shot me a look.

"He.. he wants to be my coach" Yuri looked like he was in shock.

There was silence in the room and I realised he didn't speak Japanese and had no idea what we were saying "I'm Yuri's sister" I addressed him in English "Haruka"

"I recognise you" he frowned

"I was a skater too" I sighed

His eyes widened "yes! You were the girl who landed the quadruple axel!"

"That was me" I stiffened as Yuri looked over at me quickly

"You don't skate anymore?" he asked

"No, I injured myself" I said, quickly moving to change the subject "can I get you some tea?"

"I'd love some tea!" he beamed and I found myself smiling under his kind face as I stood, walking to the kettle "I didn't know you were related" he said casually, addressing both Yuri and I.

"Not many people did" I shrugged "there was another person with the name Katsuki skating during that time too, people assumed none of us were related"

"What are you eating here?" he asked curiously, looking at my bowl of soup and noodles.

"Ramen.. it's just noodles- do you want some?" I asked "I made it myself"

"I'd love some" he said excitedly and I chuckled, fishing him out another bowl and wincing as my knee twinged, letting out an involuntary hiss of pain.

"Are you alright?" he asked

"My knee" I waved it away "it twinges now and then, it's nothing.. how hungry are you?"

"Starving!" he grinned, I looked at Yuri for some form of explanation but he seemed to be in shock so I just sighed as I filled up a bowl for Victor and handed it to him with a mug of tea, picking up my bowl too. Victor chowed down the food quickly as his dog curled up in his lap, yawning widely he curled into a ball and in seconds was snoring.

"Yuri, what the fuck?" I hissed over my bowl

"I... I..." he managed before the door burst open to reveal Minako. Who started yelling at Yuri instantly and I just continued to slurp down my noodled nonchalantly; but then choked as she told him he had been inspired by his video and that's why he wanted to come here. To find his inspiration.. in Yuri.

"I feel like I should be thanked for making Yu film that now" Minako shot me a look and I chuckled "or not"

Victor sneezed in his sleep and we all looked over to see him as he sat up sleepily, even I had to admit he was hot shit "I'm hungry" he mumbled

"Still?" I chuckled "what do you want to eat?"

"As your coach, I'd like to know what your favourite food is, Yuri" Victor smiled, hugging on to his dog and I smiled. He was cute. Could I even say that when I was 10 years younger than him? Everyone in the skating scene wanted to bang Victor though.

"That one's easy; go sit in the living room - I can make it" I chuckled, instantly knowing I could make Katsudon withing 15 minutes as I knew it was his favourite. I could practically make it with my eyes closed now as I pulled out the ingredients, my brain already a little full to the brim with information that I had to digest at this point. I made enough for the four of us and walked through to where Victor was sitting. Yuri was staring at him as if he was the sun and I chuckled as I put down the bowls.

"Wow! Amazing!" Victor grinned at the bowl of pork and rice.

"Pork cutlet bowl" I translated it to English "Katsudon, extra large"

He picked up the chopsticks, holding them rather awkwardly but I didn't correct him as he took a bite, exclaiming something in Russian before shoving more in his mouth "delicious! too good for words!" I smiled, I'd always liked cooking so it was nice to get a compliment.

"I'm glad you like it" Yuri smiled sheepishly

"Yuri gains weight easily" Minako smirked, leaning on her hand "so he's only allowed to eat it when he's won a competition, right?" I snorted to myself, given how his pudge looked I didn't think he'd been following that rule while I was studying in Britain.

"Oh? So have you been eating them recently?" Victor asked

"Yes, yes" Yuri nodded with a smile. Poor naive, Yuri.

"Why?" Victor said, still smiling "you haven't won anything?" I choked on my tea as Victor started scrutinising Yuri's body, I promised him not to make anymore Katsudon and Yuri took him to his room. I chuckled happily as seeing my brother in such a good mood as I took myself to my bed.

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