Clarity~ A Kyo Sohma Love Story (Fruits Basket)

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fruits Basket (though if I did I would definitely be pushing for more episodes of the anime)

WARNING: To those of you who hate reading semi long authors notes you may want to skip this next bit and dive straight into the story. (though if you don't have a problem with it I recommend reading below before continuing on)

Hello readers! Welcome to my first Fruits Basket Fanficion! Thanks for taking the time to check this out! It means a lot that you even bothered to visit the first page of my humble fic! :3

Now, before you go on, you should know a few things about this story. This is an OC story, I'm sorry to any of you who don't like OCs in Fanfiction but please give it a shot at least, though if you really can't stand original characters then I'm very sorry and I hope you find another awesome story to read if you decide to forgo this one! :3

Next, there is a good amount of introduction in the first chapter or two (We do meet some main characters this chapter though so don't fret lovelies :3) but please bear with me! I swear to you it will get much better very quickly! Though if you're the type who likes getting to know more about a character, then all I can say is enjoy friend! :3

This story takes elements from both the anime and manga, it will also continue on past the point that the anime left off at and thus become completely based off the manga from then on.

Lastly, there is a bit of inner turmoil in our heroine, (okay, maybe just a tad more than a bit) but what kinda character would she be if she didn't have a few issues going on? Nobody's perfect :3 and to those skeptics out there, I promise whatever problems she's got going on won't distract from the plot so give it a go! :3

So, now that that's outta the way, let's get to it! :3


A loud wheezing mechanical noise breaks through the abysmal silence of the small darkened room, the sound the TARDIS's engine makes when not properly flown by the Timelord known only as The Doctor.

The noise, sadly, was not coming from the Doctor's little blue box, the source instead was a small white iPhone lain on the dresser at my bedside.

Slowly lifting my face from the pillow securely hugged against me, I raise a somewhat shaky arm toward the phone and bring it to my face.

????: bree? C'mon talk to me

????: geeze, what the hells wrong with


My grip on the phone tightens as well as my hold on the pillow, with my free hand I pull the covers over my head and press the soft fabric to my eyes to keep in the tears.

Why can't they just leave me alone? Why did this even have to happen? Why can't everything be like it was before?

No... I was stupid. I should've seen it sooner. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

I wish... I wish I could just go away for a bit. I need some time to clear my head and move on.

After a moment I take a deep breath and push away the blankets, moving to the edge of the bed. Shakily I stand, slip the phone into my pocket, and walk to my vanity.

I look a mess.

My long dirty blond hair is a disaster of frizziness and tangles around my face. There are dark circles just beginning to appear under my once lively yet now dull forest green eyes, eyes that were now red and puffy as well.

My expression was blank as I stared back at myself in the mirror, my lips parting slightly in a sigh as I pick up a brush and begin working the tangles out of my hair.

Clarity~ A Kyo Sohma Love Story (Fruits Basket)Where stories live. Discover now