Back to School

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"Can anyone tell me something exciting they did over the summer?" The Pines' were back in Piedmont Middle with the unwavering desire to be back at the Mystery Shack. Dipper and Mabel's new english and home room teacher, Ms. Adams was a young lady with her black hair pulled into a bun and wore a dark blue turtleneck. She was calling on student to student taking answers on that understatement of a question that the Pines' could have possibly been asked. The twins heard their classmates answers: "I went fishing!" A jock type of boy stated. Dipper thought, 'I went fishing too... for a sea monster.' Another girl, a rather pretty girl with red hair that reminded Dipper of Wendy said matter-of-factly, "I went to Piedmont's museum of dinosaurs and natural history." Dipper thought, 'I saw dinosaurs too... covered in sap and slowly breaking away. Heck, a pterodactyl stole my sister's pig.' Dipper let out a soft chuckle--quiet, but loud enough for Ms. Adams to hear. The young teacher slowly made her way towards Dip's desk, "And what did you do over the summer" she quickly scanned over the list of names on her clipboard, "Mason Pines-" she started before Dipper interrupted, "Dipper, I go by Dipper." Ms. Adams gave him a half-hearted smile, "alright, Dipper" she started as she put down her clipboard. "What did you do over your summer break?" Mabel glanced her brother's way, giving him a very knowing look. Dipper contemplated, he couldn't very well tell the class his adventure of a lifetime he had shared with his sister. Besides, it's not like anyone would believe him anyway, but the boy decided honesty was the best policy. "I helped defeat a dream demon and uncovered some of the biggest mysteries in a sleepy town in Oregon called Gravity Falls." He stated dryly expected nothing more than a huge applause of laughter from all of his classmates, he was used to this but after the crazy summer he had, Dipper Pines honestly didn't care a lick of what people thought of him anymore. If the coolest girl in the world, a life long con man, the most brilliant author on earth, a rad handy man, and most importantly, the bravest, smartest, most caring and of course the craziest person he knew-thought so much of him then why should anyone else's opinion matter? His expected laughter turned out to be just blank stares around the room, excluding one girl in particular, she was in the far corner of the room and seemed to be drawing. The teacher clapped her hands together and quickly walked across the room, back to her desk, pretending to sip some coffee. Mabel looked at her brother in shock. Dipper just shrugged in return, this year was different. He wasn't going to let anyone pick on him, he knew he was better than what he was made out to be. After that, Ms. Adams continued to take answers from the rest of the room and Dipper just sort of zoned out for the rest of class. Mabel, on the other hand was excited to meet some new cuties and was just as sociable as ever--making six friends just after first period, including the teacher. But neither could deny that they missed their true home, they missed Gravity Falls.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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