The Auction

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Ali's p.o.v
I glared as the chain around my neck was tugged harshly by the guy in front of me. "Hey watch it, any harder and I'll bruise." I said "Quiet!" The man replied, well that was just rude if it wasn't for this damn chain I would kick the shit out of him. Looking around I saw others who was just like me a slave. Well sex slave to me exact you see because of my nice loving jackass of a father who ran away from his debt I was taken as payment, isn't my life wonderful. We (as in me and the others) were being auctioned off to whatever rich idiot who was so incapable of getting a girl he had to buy one. I look up and see cages set in rows. "Are you really gonna keep me in here" I say looking at the guy. He doesn't even acknowledge me "wow silent much" "In" well look at the mister silent speaks. I walk into the cage and look around "well its not a five star hotel but it'll have to do." I smirked "now if you will please be a gentleman and bring in my luggage" I joke only to have the door slammed and lock in my face "well isn't he just a sweetheart" I mutter. I turned and walked to the bed I saw earlier and collapsed "sleep is a thing of the gods I swear" I whisper as I slowly fall asleep.

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