the Christmas Shoes

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A/N: I wrote this as a way to kind of get my emotions out about a song near and dear to my heart. It holds SO many memories for me and this is the first time in 4 years I've been able to listen to this song...and it was hard I'm not gonna lie. I hope you guys like this I know it was like I was actually in the story as I was writing it, I was so into it. I finished it within a few hours. Anyways I hope you guys like it and God Bless!


Little snowflakes fell onto the cold, hard grounds of Highland. Then again, it was Christmas time so what can you expect?

It was the night before Christmas and all through the streets, many of the town's residents were rushing around, trying to find last minute gifts for their friends and loved ones.

One of those people went unnoticed however. A little 7 year old boy with blonde curls hugged his old, worn out jacket closer to him though it didn't seem to matter to him anyway. The coat was full of holes so he was defenseless against the freezing cold wind that had just started to blow.

It helped a bit that he was wearing a pair of gloves as well as a scarf and hat but not by much. The gloves had holes in them as well and the hat was much too big for his head.

The boy didn't care about the wind or if he was freezing cold. He had only one thing on his mind, only one thing that mattered to him at that very moment.

The litte bell above the store door dinged, signaling that someone had entered the store. The man working behind the counter was about ready to pull his hair out. The sound of that bell was the only thing he has heard for weeks making him almost ready to yank it off the wall and stomp on it. He cautiously eyed the little boy, watching him as he walked to the near back of the store.

He didn't trust people who looked like they lived in a pile of trash not that he had seen anyone like the boy walk in the store but he had seen plenty of people like this walking around Highland. Most people who came in were dressed more clean cut looking. Nothing at all like the way the poor boy looked.

His hair looked greasy, as if it hadn't been washed in weeks and he had dirt and filth stains on his clothes and face. Even a cut and bruise or two. The man shook his head lightly as he turned to the line at the check out counter that was beginning to grow, focusing now on the customers looking to pay for their gifts. The sooner he checked out all these customers, the sooner he could go home and get Christmas over with. This was his least favortie time of year anyway.

The little boy kept focused on what he had come in the store for and when he saw it, his little chocolate brown eyes lit up, sparkling with excitment, something he hadn't felt in months. Picking up his speed, he hurried over to the rack, gently picking up the item he had been pining after ever since she said she loved them so.

The item was a pair of beautiful red high heels with a red velvet bow tied on the back of the heel. He looked at the shoes in his hands, touching them as if they would shatter at the touch. For the first time in months, a smile spread across his dirt covered face, thinking of the look on her face when she saw them and how strikingly beautiful she would look in them.

The 'she' he was thinking about was his best friend, his protector, his favorite person in the world: his mother. He remembered just a few short months ago when he and his mother walked into this store, looking at all the fun and beautiful things they were too poor to buy, when his mother spotted the shoes. It was the first time in a long time the little boy had seen such a smile on her face.

"They're so beautiful!" she gasped, her eyes filled with a sparkle and light that made her son's heart fly. He rarely got to see his mother happy and it was even rarer that he saw her happy like this.

the Christmas Shoes **FINISHED**Where stories live. Discover now