Nella nuova scena sono tutti a casa di Isak.
Si vedono Eva e Chris, le ragazze che ridono e preparano addobbi, poi Isak che parla con i ragazzi. All'improvviso arriva Even e si aggiunge alla conversazione. Non ho ancora idea di cosa dicano, comunque Magnus se ne va seguito dagli altri e gli Evak parlano e si baciano. Vengono interrotti da Sana che porta un regalo a Isak, lui lo apre e ci trova un sacchettino di erba (?), Even lo prende tra le mani, ma Isak glielo toglie di mano.
Intanto la scena si sposta su Vilde che sta mettendo all'albero una pallina con un gatto sopra :') Magnus la raggiunge, parlano e lei imita due volte il verso del gatto, alla fine i due si baciano. OVVIAH. STAVO ASPETTANDO QUESTO BACIO.
Isak poi si sposta accanto a Eva e i due parlano fino alla fine della scena, vi riporto qui la traduzione in inglese:Eva is basically congratulating Isak for getting a new boyfriend. She jokes. "You better watch out, I might steal him". Nothing serious. Isak then goes on to apologize for last year, when he was ruining things between her and Jonas. Eva explains they fucked up on their own.Eva goes, can't we rather talk about your new boyfriend. Is he "the man of your life"? Isak responds; "I don't know". Eva: "No?"Isak: Is that important? Eva: Noo... but things are ok between the two of you? Isak: yes yes, of course things are awesome right now but a week ago things were really bad. It goes up and down. Eva: Exhausting. Isak: yeah well, thing this, the reason things are so great right now, is also the reason why things are really bad when they're bad. If that gives any meaning?Isak: It can suddenly be over tomorrow, but no matter what, I'm so fucking happy I've met him.Eva: Because that's when you realized you liked boys?
Isak: No, more that I was living a fake life before that.Isak: I was just at home watching and gaming etc. And I'm, over that now, I want my life to be 'real'.Isak: And if that means life fucking sucks at times, its much better than having a fake and boring life.Eva: well said
Isak: It's a bit of a cliche to say, but you never know who's dead tomorrow, you know.Isak: So whether if you believe in Jesus, Allah, the evolution theory or parallel universes, there's only one thing we all know for sure.*camera pans over to Even and Eskild hanging up a mistletoe**Even looks over to Isak and smiles.
Eva: And what is that?
*Isak smiles at Even*
Isak: That life is ... (scene goes black) ... now!Quando esce su Youtube sottotitolato ve lo metto. ;)
-6 minuti all'episodio completoooo!
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