Good evening. Let me introduce myself. My name is Matthias, Matthias Beem. You may not know me at the moment, but I'm sure we will get to know each-other very well before this is all over. The reason is this...
You see, I have a tale to tell. One of mystery and fortune, of courage and adventure. It happened not so long ago, maybe, say, forty years back. Yes I know, you must be wondering how old I am now aren't you? Well I shall tell you. I am 379 years old. Yes astonishing I know, but in reality its not that long when you look back in time. Why, world peace was established under the Globalization act not 50 years ago, and the Establishment of the USA's dominance in the Middle East has finally brought a sense of calm to the world. Even so, the world is still a changing, but not me, no not I. Empires have come and gone, but I am still here. Yes, often my mind wanders and it appears to me that my brain just might explode with the knowledge stored inside. It has been a wonderful 379... or is it 378? I'm not even sure anymore. Anyway, its been a wonderful many years that I have lived, filled with sorrow and with pain, but also with love and wild mystery's and adventures. I have loved more than once in my time, and have had my heart broken more than I care to remember and I have learned from my mistakes. Now, enough of an explanation I have a better idea! how about we start from the beginning, right back to when I was the age of 15. This was a time of great catastrophe and fear as the people of the world began to fear for their very lives. The year was 2013...
*2013, 24, December*
My lungs yearned for breath as I ran down the side-street, listening to the pounding of the Constables feet behind me. Up ahead was a turn leading out onto the main street, and if I could just make it there I would be safe. I turned to look behind me and saw the constable gaining ground. I faced forward and prepared to put all my strength into this final run, when out of nowhere a large black clad arm swung out in front of me and knocked me off my feet with the force of an anvil.
I lay there on the ground gasping for breath as my heart seemed to reach a crescendo of beats, and I feared that it would give out from the strain I was putting on it. But then the same black clad arm came out of the night sky above me and thumped me in the chest, somehow bringing me back to reality.
"Well then, lost you're air have ya eh? T'is good too I thought I was going to have to pop you if ya hadnt stopped running ya little bugger." I looked up at the man who had stopped me cold and saw eyes of blue fire, eyes that made me freeze and look up in wonder.
"What are you looking at then eh? Got a problem with me eyes? Well I could say the same thing about yours you little twit. Why are they glowing like that? Say, have you been popping pills young buck? Am I going to have to take you in on drug abuse charges as well as thievery?" I shook my head no in protest as the other constable came running up.
"I see you got him then McNally. I'll thank ya kindly with a pint of beer after I've brought this one downtown. Bloody little fool stole a good amount of cash from the butchers. Gonna have to ring him up on charges, and if I'm not mistaken it won't be the first time for this one." The taller man named McNally looked down at me with no surprise on his eyes, instead it appeared a look of understanding.
"Awh don't worry about it Davey me boy, I'll bring him down to the station myself and make sure he gets properly filed away 'right?" I looked up at him puzzled, as no man in his right mind would go out of his way to do someone elses work these days, especially in the police force. "Daveys' face seemed to mirror my own as he said.
"Are you for real mate? I mean, that would be great! I guess I'll owe you two beers then! I'll see you around then alright boyo? Enjoy yourself, and watch that one, he's slippery".
"Much obliged, but I don't think I'll have any trouble with this one, not after the love tap I gave him". He reached down and gripped my arm and yanked me up. I held my head low and analysed the situation, seeing if there was any way out of this. I saw his other hand that was hanging loose by his hip and noticed the .45 Colt resting there. I decided against anything foolish.
As the other copper headed off on his beat, satisfied that he got the better end of the deal here, McNally dragged me off to the end of the alley where his car was parked. He tossed me in the back seat and got in the drivers side, locking the doors after he got in. I think there was a bloody child lock on the doors.
"What's you're name kid? Or you gonna be stubborn and not tell me?"
I was tempted to do just that, but something about this guy told me that wouldn't help my situation at all.
"Matthias. Matthias Beem."
He turned back and looked at me in a funny way and stayed silent for a few moment. Then he spoke these five words that would change my life forever, in ways that I could never imagine.
"Let's go for a ride".
*End Of Introduction*
Hope you guys like it. Just getting back into this really, hope you enjoy it.